Here is a quote* that could go along with it. "If we pray while focusing on His greatness, our troubles will shrink into proper perspective." Because for sure when you see sights like these gorgeous mountains, you should think of the greatness of our Creator! Wow!
Today was pretty good. I reallllllllllly miss my nephew who has been in Orlando, Florida since last Saturday. They are visiting all the sights of Disney World so I have been Michael-less this week. I will be so happy to see him again!
My friend Louai (click on his name to see him at work) called on Google Talk from London. We only talked about 20 minutes or so. He wanted to hear me say the Arabic alphabet since writing it wasn't giving him the full affect -- especially on letters like "khaa" ﺥ and "gheen" ﻍ . Those are said further back in my throat...kind of different from most English words. I can say them OK, but not great. "Gheen" especially gives me trouble if my mouth is dry. I have to have some spit to work with. It's said almost like when you gurgle mouthwash. Definitely my Arabic has a Southern-American accent to it. :-)
*Quote from page 33; In Touch magazine, October 2009 edition
Very funny Susanne !!!!
You are the cheeky one !
If we pray while focusing on His greatness, our troubles will shrink into proper perspective."
wow,,this spoke volumes to my heart
That photo is gorgeous!
The letter I have the most trouble with is 'ayn. Sometimes it comes out OK, but mostly I just sound strangled. :)
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