
Monday, May 30, 2016

May Books

Mercy by Jodi Picoult  -- A look at euthanasia and adultery.  And how people change based on things that happen to them.  Typing the title of this book prompted me to look up the definition of mercy:  "compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm." 

Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko -- I read the first of these J Fic books a couple of months ago so I figured I should read what else happened to Moose and the gang on Alcatraz island.

Changing Cadence by Michael Dillon -- I got this book for my birthday. It's about a corporate lawyer who loses his job and decides to bike from Jacksonville, Florida, to his home in California.  I enjoy tales like this especially when authors talk about people they meet along their journeys.  I especially like the way this book ended:  with an admonition to not be afraid because fear limits us.
"If I learned anything from my ride, it is that when we let fear limit us, we miss the best of each other, our country, and ourselves.  So, be not afraid.
But do keep an eye out for the dogs."  (pg. 186)

A Most Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings -- A story about a nurse who married a dying soldier so she'd inherit his farm, and take care of his mom and ailing sister. Only the man who married her wasn't the owner of the land. Awkward!

Where Do I Go? by Neta Jackson -- Book one in a series I saw at the library that I decided to read when I was glancing around hurriedly for something to read (of course.)  This book introduces us to Gabby Fairbanks and her husband Philip who've recently moved from Virginia to Chicago.  They are living the good life, but Gabby keeps embarrassing her husband by befriending homeless people and having the audacity to get hired by the homeless shelter!

Who Do I Talk To? by Neta Jackson -- book two in the series mentioned above.  It continues with more of Gabby's story. I won't say much about it because spoilers.

Hidden Places by Lynn Austin -- My mom found this in the Large Print section of the library, told me it was good, and so I read it.  It was good.  The story of Eliza and her children, Aunt Batty, and this stranger who ended up at their farm.  Was Gabe really the missing son Matthew Wyatt? Or was he an imposter out to get the orchard? Or what?

Who Do I Lean On? by Neta Jackson -- book three in the House of Hope series; it continues the story of Gabby Fairbanks and her family in Chicago

The Hundred-Year Walk by Dawn Anahid MacKeen  -- I saw an article by this lady on Facebook last year (a HuffPo article maybe), and saw she'd written a book about her grandfather's escape from the genocide of the Armenians. I put the book on my Amazon Wishlist and a friend sent it for my birthday last month.   In addition to telling her grandfather's story, the author traveled to Turkey and Syria herself to follow the route her grandfather took based on diaries he left to the family.  Parts of this book were really interesting! 

Harry Bentley's Second Chance by Dave Jackson -- a parallel novel to the above-mentioned books by Neta Jackson, his wife; This book and the following book follow the life of retired Chicago police officer Harry Bentley who was introduced in the books by his wife.  You'll remember him as the doorman at the place where Gabby lives with her husband and sons.  In this book Harry is introduced to a grandson he didn't know existed.

Harry Bentley's Second Sight by Dave Jackson  -- see above; in this book Harry goes through the challenges of an eye problem among other things.

Julia's Hope by Leisha Kelly -- A young family heads west in search of a job, but finds out that job has dried up in the great depression so they stay at a farm which doesn't belong to them. Nor can they pay for it.  What will Emma say about that?  What will the neighbors think?

June Bug by Chris Fabry -- A girl recognizes her own face on a missing child poster, and wonders about her past. Who is this guy she's known as "daddy" all her life?  Where is she from?  Does she have a mother waiting for her somewhere?

Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell -- The story of Katherine a young-thirties widow who runs a boarding house in Oregon with her two daughters.  The book introduces us to characters living in her house including her critical mother, random strangers, and the livery man and his son whose house burned one night. 

Wishing on Buttercups by Miralee Ferrell -- this story continues with most of the same characters in the above-mentioned book only this time the focus is on Beth as she searches for her roots and with Jeffery Tucker who wants to make his way on his own - and not with the family money or obligations. 

Who Is My Shelter? by Neta Jackson -- another book in the "House of Hope" series following the life of Gabby Fairbanks and other familiar characters from the previous books.  I had to wait for book four because it was already checked out of the library.   Some good reminders in this book for me.

Stuck in the Weeds: A Pilgrim on the Mississippi River and the Camino de Santiago by Paul Stutzman -- I read his book about hiking the Appalachian Trail and biking across the US so I thought reading about his journey down the Mississippi River would be a fun read. It was pretty good although [SPOILER ALERT] he didn't get very far.  That was kind of surprising. I did wonder why they had a whole section on his pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago.  That was pretty good, and he had some challenging words about pilgrims and trusting God that were all right.

ETA:  I finished another book before the end of the month!  Didn't think I would, but I did!  May 31, 2016 6:43 PM

Lucy Come Home by Dave and Neta Jackson -- this book goes along with several I read this month; this story is about the homeless lady Lucy, and tells her story. I really enjoyed getting to know Lucy better.