
Monday, June 9, 2008

Beach Trip

We got home from the beach around 8:30 this evening. Had an enjoyable time. It was plenty hot which is good for being in the water. We spent a lot of time in the pool and walked some in the ocean. My mom, Stephanie, Andrew, Michael and I left Saturday morning and arrived in Myrtle Beach, SC around 1:00, I believe. We stayed at the Plantation Resort in Surfside Beach a few miles south of Myrtle Beach. I enjoyed meeting some of Steph's church friends, Marie and Travis Loy. They are the whole reason Stephanie and Will got this opportunity to go to the beach this entire week. Since Will could not go down until Monday, Steph invited me, Andrew and Mama to go down the first few days. It was the first time my mom went to the beach in many years. Michael had a great time swimming, jumping over waves in the ocean and watching cartoons in the room. Also he got an Indiana Jones whip at Kmart which he demonstrated for us.

We were working through a book of brain quizzes on the way down, and one of them dealt with states and their abbreviations. When I mentioned Indiana, Michael stated, "Indiana? That's Indiana Jones' first name!" :-) Also his face was really shiny last night. I thought it was squeaky clean from all the pool water. Stephanie brushed his teeth and Michael said, "Are my teeth all sparkly like my face?"

We went to Broadway at the Beach, and Andrew bought Michael some candy at It'Sugar. Pretty neat store. I will have to post pictures as soon as I transfer them from my camera.

Here at home I heard it hit 99 today!

This is enough for now.

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