
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Destiny of Islam in the End Times

Another book I read this year . . .

The Destiny of Islam in the End Times -- Faisal Malick, a former Sunni Muslim from Pakistan, conveys his heart for Muslims by sharing the history of Abraham's firstborn son, Ishmael, with hopes that Westerners will understand the cry of Ishmael's heart for a father. He speaks of the descendants of Ishmael and those who follow Islam and shares what God has revealed to him concerning these precious people.

The author dedicated the book as follows:

I dedicate this book to Ishmael and the 1.6 billion Muslim people he represents. You are not forgotten - you are chosen for such a time as this. This is your season to embrace the truth about your origin and your end-time destiny, planned before creation. Your cry will be heard, and you will behold the invisible at this hour.

Isaiah 65

1 "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, 'Here am I, here am I.'

Here are some reviews.

The Western mind, for the most part, does not comprehend the vast world of Muslim thought, or the history of Islam. Faisal Malick has with great skill, love, and compassion, opened to us the inner workings of this world of thought and religion. From the genesis of Islam to present Muslim thought, Faisal writes so all can understand God's love for all humanity and desire to connect these dear people with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This book has helped me set aside preconceived judgments and realize that Muslims are a people hungry for truth, love, and understanding.

- Rev. Norm Maclaren
Vice President, Ministry
Crossroads Christian Communications

Faisal Malick's book not only brings amazingly clear understanding into the dynamics of Islam, but it also imparts a burden into the heart of the reader, as well as a love for the Muslim people. You will experience a major paradigm shift in your view of this precious people, and possibly conviction and repentance, as you see them through the eyes of God's destiny for them.

- Steve Shultz
Founder, The ElijahList,
ElijahRain Magazine, and Prophetic TV

Terrorists! Muslims! Arabs! For many in the Christian world these three groups are all thrown into one set—enemies to be avoided. But to the God of Heaven who loves the world and sent His Son to die for all, these are people to be loved. As you read this book, be prepared to also receive a call from the Lord to do something. The Lord has been speaking to me about the Muslim people from many sources, including dreams and prophetic words. When I read this book, my heart leapt with joy because I gained clarity about God's plan to reach the whole world. And I now know that I have a part to play in this drama of the endtimes—and I intend to fulfill it. My life was deeply impacted by Faisal Malick's work The Destiny of Islam in the Endtime.

- Rich Marshall
Author, God@Work (Vol.1 & 2)

The Destiny of Islam in the Endtime helped me to differentiate between "radical Islam" and the descendants of Ishmael. Faisal Malick brings hope to any Christian who has deemed the Muslim people too difficult to reach with the Gospel. His testimony is exciting, his faith inspirational, and his vision revolutionary. The Destiny of Islam has renewed my burden and love for all of Abraham's children. I highly recommend this book.

- Dr. Ron Burgio
President, Elim Fellowship
Sr. Pastor, Love Joy Gospel Church

The author writes:

Terrorism causes the world and the Churches to say, "Forget the Muslim people, give up on them, let's get rid of them!" But God wants the Church to wake up and know He has not forgotten them nor forsaken them, but He has a plan for them.

Perfect love casts out fear. While the enemy is trying to harden the Church with hatred for Muslims, Jesus is releasing His love into our hearts to tenderize us to hear the Word of the Lord for this season concerning all of God's children.

Satan would have us believe that all Muslims want to harm us. Are you afraid of Muslims?

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