
Thursday, June 5, 2008

First post at last!

Finally! My first post over here! I set up my profile and blog last month, but haven't taken the time to write anything until now. I set up my MP3 list earlier today and added it here and to my Facebook profile...that is cool! I listened to my ten songs while packing for the beach. Maybe I will add some more as favorite songs come to mind. A few that I added didn't play so I deleted them.

I am glad I went walking at 6:15 this morning because it has really gotten hot! May seemed rather mild, but it has turned hotter than normal the last few days. Yesterday we hit 92 officially -- that was the hottest day so far and the first time we hit 90 this year. In 2007 we hit 90 in April so, at least, this year hasn't been as dreadfully hot as last. But the 7-day forecast shows 95 or 96 every day ... whew! And heat here in June usually means humidity! Double the fun! Actually it is great beach weather so I'm glad I am headed there on Saturday morning. Just a short trip, but it will be nice to get away with some of the family.

I think I'll go make something for lunch now. I want to add some book reviews to this blog soon. Maybe I can work on that today. It is a project I have been procrastinating on doing.

'Til later . . .

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