
Friday, June 6, 2008


Had a good day. Took Michael to McDonald's earlier than normal. I wasn't going to go today, but he will be at the beach all next week so I figured "why not?" Plus the new toys came out today and I was curious what they were -- Kung Fu Panda. Hmmm. Michael liked them pretty well. He told me what he knew about the movie from watching advertisements on TV. The local police were holding their Special Olympics fundraising drive so it was pretty exciting around there. The officers were on the roof with their bull horns. Some were standing around the building shouting at passing cars. Quite loud, but I felt safe, lol. I saw my cousin Duane Flood as he is a Graham police officer. He told me he and his wife had a baby boy 7 weeks ago, Dylan Dea. Dea is his late grandfather's name. So Duane has Macie, Dexter and Dylan. He said he was done having kids now.

I had a nice time at McDonald's. Saw my friend Martin. He actually sat with me and Michael while on break. I asked about his family and we talked a bit about trivial things. I saw some of my other friends: Kita, Victor, Stacey, Pedro (who had 25 stitches in his eyebrow area due to a mugging!), Salvador and Rolando. Didn't see Angie because I left early. She and Grant were probably at the pool anyway. It hit 96 officially and that tied the old record.

Tomorrow we leave for the beach. I think I'm going to bed now. Should be back on Monday evening if all goes as planned.

From my talking with Michael today:

Michael told me that he cannot wait to be "ten plus" so he can get this Indiana Jones video game or something. I asked why he had to be "ten plus" and he said "because of the kissing." /:) Upon further questioning, I found out 6 year olds do NOT like to see kissing, but 10 years old do because "they are teenagers." Ahhh.

Also Michael told me he swims like a fish and he loves his new goggles because he can see underwater good. He was diving off the diving board into 8 and 10 feet of water. That's impressive to me because I don't like water over my head. I'm glad he is learning to swim at a young age.

Okay, off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    you are fantastic!!!

    a kiss for you, my dear friend!

    god bless u dear

    can we exchange our link

    r u ready to do?
