
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Cards in November & Ordering Books

So yesterday I finally ordered the guidebook that I was wanting. Since I couldn't find it at the local bookstores, I ordered it at It was several dollars cheaper anyway so I'm glad it wasn't available at Barnes & Noble or Books A Million. The "bad" part is that since I was ordering the guidebook, I went ahead and found other books from my "to read" list and ended up ordering 8 books all total. One was for Andrew ... some Navy SEAL wrote it. I am excited to receive my new books in the coming days. It will be exciting going to the mailbox and finding them there. :-)

Speaking of mailbox, I got a picture Christmas card from Robert Sharpe again this year. I do not know this man, yet he sent us a picture this year and last year of his family. The envelope says he is a Graham attorney, but WHY send us a picture of his family for Christmas? And even though it's not even December, his was not our first Christmas card. Ha, ha. We got a Christmas postcard from Andrew's friend Scott and his wife Heather who are with Youth Compass in Germany. I really love getting cards and good mail so this time of the year is especially fun for me!

Back to books, I had to find room for my new books so I cleared space on my bookshelf today. I need a bigger one, but don't really have space for it. Does that mean I need a bigger house? I used to only read library books or books I borrowed from friends, but ever since Family Christian Bookstore opened in town, I have bought a few books every now and then. And of course last night I went wild buying books on!

Here are the books I purchased.

1 "Shadow Warriors: The Untold Story of Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender"
Kenneth R. Timmerman

2 "Rethinking Holy Land: A Study in Salvation Geography"
Marlin Jeschke

3 "Lonely Planet Syria & Lebanon (Lonely Planet Syria and Lebanon) (Multi Country Guide)"
Lara Dunston; Terry Carter

4 "Unleashing the Warrior Within: Using the 7 Principles of Combat to Achieve Your Goals"
Richard J. Machowicz

5 "Mission Al-Jazeera: Build a Bridge, Seek the Truth, Change the World"
Josh Rushing

6 "Whose Promised Land?"
Colin Chapman

7 "God & Government"
Charles W. Colson

8 "Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ"
Brother Andrew

Can you tell which one Andrew wanted? Four of them are from Amazon and the others are from private sellers. Also I ordered 3 books for Andrew a couple weeks ago from Focus on the Family. One of those was about Pistol Pete, but I can't recall the others at this time. I told Andrew we will give each other books this Christmas!

Speaking of which, I need to decorate for Christmas soon. I did change my outside flags today so they reflect the Christmas season. Now for hauling the decorations and tree out of the attic. It seems like we just did this!

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