
Monday, December 29, 2008


This is something I posted a few months ago when I was reading Chasing the Lion. It's a quote from that book. Someone brought it to my attention today and I thought I'd repost it. There are a lot of difficult things going on in the world now, and this was a good reminder to me. Our help comes from the Lord. He is the only One able to make lasting changes.

"The circumstances you complain about become chains that imprison you. And worship is the way out. Worship reframes our problems and refocuses our lives. It helps us get through the bad days by reminding us of how good God is. And when you are worshipful, your eyes are more open to notice the miracles that are happening all around you all the time. One way or the other, your focus determines your reality. The outcome of your life will be determined by your outlook on life." (pg. 70)

May I always remember how good God is!