While still in the Christmas spirit, I wanted to reflect on a verse from “O Holy Night” that really spoke to my heart yet again this year. It’s especially meaningful to me since becoming further aware of the starvation and terrorism taking place with my American tax dollars. Makes me sad. Especially when I see these pictures and many more like them. No matter what you think of Hamas’ tactics, you cannot starve the children. Only if you have a hard heart. Jesus would feed the children.
Come on, Israel! Come on, Egypt! (These are our allies, Americans!) OPEN THE BORDERS! Let the people eat!

- Truly He taught us to love one another;
- His law is love and His gospel is peace.
- Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
- And in His name all oppression shall cease.
- Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
- Let all within us praise His holy name.
- Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,
- His power and glory evermore proclaim.
- His power and glory evermore proclaim.
Jesus said to feed your enemies not starve them!
Obey your Lord!
Hi Susanne,
I've been so blessed to see you around. :) Looking forward to hearing more from you!
I wanted to mention though, that Israel has sent humanitarian aid and food into Gaza - they have always done that.
I have been blessed, too, to travel to Israel twice during my teen years. I stayed at the Beit Jala Children's home for a time - it was amazing, because while we think from our western mindset that arabs and israelis don't get along - they actually can, do, and have when they are left alone to work things out. (I don't mean left alone to fend for themselves, nor neglected when they need us...) I mean when outside interference doesn't come in and try to stir up enmity between them.
Ah, I know that I have so much more to learn. Very seldom are things what they seem to be on the surface. God has given us such a gift to be able to step outside of our world and our comfort zone (via the internet) and to begin interacting with people who are different from us (but so loved by God!)
Holly, thank you so much for dropping by. I really have something special to tell you, but I can't post it on a public blog. If you will e-mail me at susanne430 @ gmail . com (no spaces), I will share something with you that I hope will encourage you. :-) (Sorry to be mysterious, but you'll see why.)
I appreciate you sharing your views here. We have friends in Beit Jala now! :-) I am eager to hear more about your trips to Israel. What did you do there and why did you go?
Your words are quite different from what I understand to be true. I am eager to hear more of your side.
Thank you!
I've enjoyed reading your blog since I discovered it about a week or so ago. I hope everyone liked the thoughtful Christmas gifts you purchased and made for them. :-)
E-mail me if you get this message.
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