"This is the day which the LORD has made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it."
~ Psalm 118:24
we will rejoice and be glad in it."
~ Psalm 118:24
or as one translation puts it,
"This is the day which the Lord has made; we will be full of joy and delight in it."
This is a special day in many ways because it's the beginning of a brand new year. Happy new year to you! Praise the Lord for His goodness and the fresh beginnings of a new year to serve Him day by day. I don't know what this year holds. To be honest, I am struggling with some fearful thoughts even now, but in the midst of those thoughts, I am refusing to act on them. I want to live this year marked by faith not fear. I want to serve the Lord with all my heart and leave the results of those fearful things with Him! Afterall, what good can I do by my worrying? Can I not trust my loving Heavenly Father to take care of me?
Jesus speaks to my heart with His peace and joy, and I can respond to Him with praise and trust. Indeed this year, I want to glorify Him by my life more and more. I want to be thankful in everything and rejoice in the Lord always.
A verse that I used a couple days ago to help a friend is this from Jesus in Matthew 6
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Then Jesus says not to worry about the next day. Indeed in the model prayer Jesus says, "Give us this day our daily bread." He didn't ask for weekly or yearly bread, but this day's bread. Each day we need this Bread of Life. I pray I live each day to the fullest and become one of the most thankful children of God.
He is good. He is good. He is good!
This is the day, the first of 2009, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Thank you, Lord, for another day to serve You! May you find me faithful not fearful, thankful not complaining, bold not cowardly, willing not reluctant, obedient not rebellious. Loving, compassionate, caring not apathetic, hateful and bitter.
Please enable me to do all that. Those are difficult resolutions in my own power. :-)
Make me more like You. Amen.
I pray that scripture every day, usually three to five times a day. I actually say a few verses before and after.
ReplyDeleteThis is the Lord's doing at it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. oh Lord save us, oh Lord grant us success.
When Randy came home Sept 11th/08 and told me he was fired from his work, this is EXACTLY what I prayed when I got on my knees in our bedroom. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes...on and on I prayed that scritpure, finishing off with oh Lord, save us, oh Lord grant us success!
Worry and fear have NO place in a child of God's. SIGH!! So I will cling to Him, run to Him, seek His face day in and day out!! I will take fear captive, 2 Corinthians 10:5, I will align my thoughts with Philippians 4:8, if it doesn't match, I KICK it out!!
God bless you my precious sister for 2009, the year of the fruits of the Spirit to grow in our lives and for divine completeness from the Father..alleluia!!
I will pray for you my new friend. I look forward to being there for you in 2009. As I read your thoughts on fear I was reminded that “Fear not” is found 365 times in the Bible – one for each day of the year. I'm not sure if that's actually true, but that phrase is used a lot in scripture.
ReplyDeleteMore of Him, less of me. Amen!
Your Sister in Christ,
Angela, thank you for the other verses that you shared. Wow, they are so very encouraging as are you! I read what you put on your blog about each person guided there being hand picked by God. It made me so happy that He lead me to find your site. :-)
ReplyDeleteHLS, thank you for your words of encouragement especially the reminder about not being fearful! I am happy to have found your site as well.
I love starting the new year with new friends ... sisters in Christ! :-)
Beautiful Post!
ReplyDeleteSo uplifting, what wonderful reflections on which to begin the New Year!
"Thank you, Lord, for another day to serve You! May you find me faithful not fearful, thankful not complaining, bold not cowardly, willing not reluctant, obedient not rebellious. Loving, compassionate, caring not apathetic, hateful and bitter."
Yes, I share your prayer.
Blessings and Peace :0)