
Saturday, March 21, 2009

God of This City ... by faith

My pastor often talks to us about faith. It's great that he does because I often need reminders since I am prone to doubts and fears. One thing I recall him saying is that faith is calling that which is not as though it were. In other words, believing that God can do great things despite how circumstances seem at the moment. So with that in mind, I want to share this song. When I came home from Syria and went through my sad, restless time of missing the people and life over there and wondering what was next, I heard this song. Like really heard it. As in I seriously thought, "God, is this what you are saying about Damascus? THAT city which is so much on my heart right now?" Perhaps I'd heard it before, but when I came home it was like the lyrics registered with me. And somehow they just seemed to apply to what I wanted for Damascus...and still do. It's what I am trusting God for by faith.

God of This City

You're the God of this city
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You Are

You're hope for the hopeless
You're light in the darkness
You're peace to the restless
You are

For there is no one like our God
There is no one like our God

Chorus 1:
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be done here

Verse 2:
You're the Lord of Creation
The Creator of all things
You're the King above all Kings
You Are

You're the strength in our weakness
You're the love to the broken
You're the joy in the sadness
You Are

Chorus 2:
Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Where glory shines from hearts alive
With praise for you and love for you
In this city

Greater things have yet to come
Great things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are still to come
And greater things are still to be done here

1 comment:

  1. calling that which is not as though it were.Romans 4:17...I LOVE this scripture and believe we NEED to be speaking life into dead areas of our lives,,,and really EVERYWHERE..asking God for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven....
