
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trusting through Transition


Some people thrive on change. The variety, the spontaneity, the differences in routine are exciting and preferred to the same ol' stuff every single day. Some of us prefer our regular schedules, knowing what is supposed to happen now and somehow being prepared to face an expected thing. I find myself often in the latter category though perhaps as I grow older, I'm enjoying change somewhat. (Syria, anyone?) Definitely, change is not always my cup of tea because I find myself enjoying predictability. But life is seldom static no matter how much we'd like to keep it that way. Some people's lives seem to be often changing while others seem to be in a rut. I really want to embrace and enjoy change, and not feel as if I'm clinging to some wind-driven wave tossed about with no anchor. Ever wonder how some people seem to enjoy life's unexpected circumstances while others of us really seem thrown for a loop when the dreaded change comes?

I read a short article yesterday by Sue Cameron. I tried to find it online, but so far have not been successful. The article, "Troubled by Change?" deals with transition. She reminds us how the transition stage of labor is intense and demanding, yet it is absolutely necessary and the most productive part of achieving new life. She suggests, "If we're unwilling to endure them [times of transition], we'll never progress down the narrow channel that leads to maturity." Transitions can be anything from moving hundreds of miles from home to losing a spouse unexpectedly, loss of a job or your health .. even a surprise pregnancy.

Mrs. Cameron reminds us of Joseph's time in prison where he had to "outgrow the impatience and arrogance of youth" in order to become the ruler of Egypt that he came to be. And also there is David who was anointed king of Israel while still a shepherd boy, yet had to endure many hard times (including fleeing for his life!!) before he actually became king. "What they learned about the Lord during those times prepared them for the very roles God had ordained for them."

She gave this Scripture. Something from Jesus, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds" (John 12:24).

She urges us to look at transitions as friends rather than enemies and to never forget we aren't walking through these changing times alone! God has promised to never leave or forsake us. So we can rest assured even through the changing times when perhaps we feel confused and pressed down, God is with us. He doesn't always remove the storms and dare I say, the changes of life, but He has promised to be with us. Delight yourself in Him and find rest no matter where transitions take you. Be joyful...He is there!

1 comment:

  1. If we're unwilling to endure them [times of transition], we'll never progress down the narrow channel that leads to maturity." I also like what she wrote about Joseph..powerful
