
Thursday, May 7, 2009

PHoC -- chapters 7-9

Part three of this book deals with THE WORD: Reformation Christianity 1450 to 1650.

The author discusses the importance of words, in particular the living Word of God and the ultimate Word, Jesus Christ. She mentions talk of a new reformation "based on visions of justice and spirituality" which not only is popular with liberal Christians, but mentioned by Rick Warren as well, "'The first reformation of the church 500 years ago was about beliefs. This one is going to be about behavior. The first one was about creeds. This one is going to be about deeds.'" (pg. 155)

"Part of the problem of contemporary Christianity is that it has not been what it says it is. In the West it seems hypocritical and phony; its words and actions collide" (pg. 156).

Many ways were developed in order to proclaim the faith: "reading, speaking, singing, teaching and praying" (pg. 162).

In the chapter called, "Ethics: Walking the Talk," the author quotes Martin Luther as saying, "'Genuine Christians were those who both believed in Christ and acted as Christs to one another.' Works validated the truth of one's words. . . . Sixteenth-century Christians took it upon themselves -- as an act of love to their neighbors -- to work for justice, reform marriage, testify to the power of change, and practice reconciliation." (pg. 183).

Of interest -- publishing pamphlets then was like our having blogs today to express our thoughts and tell what we believe and why.

"Reformation music was intended as music of liberation for regular people" (pg. 171).

"'It is not enough that we hear the Word with our outward ear, but we must let it penetrate our heart.'" (pg. 205)

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