
Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Christianity was always intended to be a verb"

In Wild Goose Chase Mark says there are times we need to quit praying and do something. You don't have to pray about loving a neighbor, serving others or meeting a need. Those are all things we know to do already.

When Christianity turns into a noun, it becomes a turnoff. Christianity was always intended to be a verb. And, more specifically, an action verb. The title of the book of Acts says it all, doesn't it? It's not the books of Ideas or Theories or Words. It's the book of Acts. . . . Some of us live as if we expect to hear God say, "Well thought, good and faithful servant!" or "Well said, good and faithful servant!" . . . There is only one commendation, and it's the by-product of pursuing God-ordained passions: "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (pg. 29)

If you feel you are presently stuck in something that is not your God-ordained passion while waiting for the Holy Spirit , Mark encourages you to do your very best at whatever God has you doing presently.

Mark wishes to do something he is not capable of doing so that people can see that GOD did it. It was something the Lord did through Mark, not something Mark did in his own power. This reminds me of a lesson I learned while reading Experiencing God last year. Mark also reminded me that faith requires stepping out while not being sure. If we were 100% sure of the next step, there would be no need for faith! Signs of confirmation often follow our stepping out in faith.

I think I will walk now and mull over this stuff I've read today. The book is an easy read, but packed with thought-provoking material so I am reading it slowly. Much to chew on in these pages.

1 comment:

  1. this is a good reminder to me as I am wondering what step - and when - to take next in what God spoke to me about teen moms...
