
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pursuing a passion or settling for a paycheck?

I'm finding I cannot read long without finding lots of thought-provoking sentences in this book! Here are more questions and good stuff from Wild Goose Chase. This in the section of the cage of responsibility.

Are you pursuing a passion or settling for a paycheck? "Your greatest responsibility is pursuing God-ordained passions." (pg. 17)

Have you turned your responsibilities into excuses? See Luke 9:59-60

"Sometimes the will of God seems downright irresponsible You are called to make a decision or take a course of action that seems to make no sense. And if you do it, the people closest to you may think you are crazy. . . . But responsible irresponsibility means refusing to allow your human responsibilities to get in the way of pursuing the passions God puts in your heart." (pg. 18)

Mark uses Nehemiah's passion for rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem as an example. I love the example of Nehemiah because I wrote about him previously and God used Nehemiah's passion to lead me to dream big -- and we went to Syria! I still am so happy we did that and I'd go back in a heartbeat! I loved it there!

Mark believes "[w]hen God puts a passion in your heart, whether it be relieving starvation in Africa or educating children in the inner city or making movies with redemptive messages, that God-ordained passion becomes your responsibility." (pg. 20) That's when we have to choose between settling for a paycheck or pursuing the passion God put in our hearts.

"[P]ursuing a God-ordained passion, no matter how crazy it seems, is the most responsible thing you can do." (pg. 22)

What do you think so far? What is your passion in life? More to come.

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