
Monday, August 31, 2009

August Books -- part 2

Here are the rest of the books I read in August. With the exception of a couple on this list, these are all lighter reading .. mostly Christian fiction from the local library that you can read in a day or two.

The Bride Bargain
by Kelly Eileen Hake is a fiction book I found at the library. It's about two women who were traveling the Oregon Trail, but got left behind in a town in the Nebraska Territory. The main character is Clara who is trying to find a bride for her employer's son, Saul, a doctor from Baltimore. I felt like I was back in time when adventurous Americans were traveling west for new opportunities.

Until We Reach Home by Lynn Austin -- fiction story about three young sisters who left home in Sweden to begin a new life in America; this book tell of Elin, Kirsten and Sofia's journey and hardships as they travel in steerage for two weeks across the Atlantic, are grounded on Ellis Island for two weeks and make their way to Chicago where their uncle lives. We sure do have it easy compared to immigrants of that time...whew!

The Bible and Tomorrow's News
by Charles Ryrie -- this is a small book my dad had and basically it tells the author's perspective on Biblical prophecy relating to the end times.

Sweetwater Gap
by Denise Hunter -- a Christian fiction library book about a young lady who goes back to rural NC to help her family at the apple orchard; main characters are Josie, Grady, Laurel, Nate ... message about holding onto guilt and being set free from it by Christ

Rebecca's Promise by Jerry S. Eicher -- Christian fiction book about a couple of Amish families; they sure do work hard!

Sisterchicks Go Brit is another book in Robin Jones Gunn's series where best friends visit a foreign country. In this book Kellie and Liz get an opportunity to see the sights in Olney, Oxford and London. I enjoyed living through them experiencing British things. One lesson of the book is about dreaming and taking risks.

Signs of Life by Dr. David Jeremiah is a series of forty short challenges to get us "back to the basics of authentic Christianity."

From chapter 5 Pass the Salt - "The Gospel isn't something we come to church to hear; it's something we go from church to tell." (pg. 23)

"Don't underestimate the power of sharing Christ. His Word does not return to Him void, and our work in the Lord is never in vain (Isaiah 55:11; I Corinthians 15:58.)" (pg. 38)

Find more quotes from this book in previous August posts.

Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths by Bruce Feiler -- discusses Abraham from the viewpoint of Jews, Christians and Muslims. The author, a Jew from America, travels to the Middle East for answers and to find this Abraham whom all three monotheistic religions hold in high regard.

A Proper Pursuit
by Lynn Austin is an enjoyable novel set in Chicago during the time of D.L. Moody. It's told from the main character's,Violet's, perspective and I found it a very cute book. Through it I was reminded about finding joy through serving others and seeing people with God's eyes. And also that women are perfectly capable of thinking and making decisions and are not the property of men. But I knew those things already. :)

The Returning
by Ann Tatlock deals with a family as they adjust to their father returning home after a five-year prison stay for drunk driving.

How Sweet It Is
by Alice J. Wisler is about Deena, a professional cook, who decides to leave her family and heartache in Atlanta and begin a new life in the North Carolina mountains. There she teaches a cooking class to troubled middle schoolers and learns lessons about trusting God with her whole hand in His. I like this quote from Helen Keller which was in the beginning of the book: "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

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