
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our Brand

"Christians aren't known to the world because we all dress the same, comb our hair alike, or vote identically. We are known by our love. That's our basic identity."

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)

Signs of Life by David Jeremiah


  1. That'd be great, were it true, but it's not. Most people identify Christians with what we 'hate', remember?

    We *should* be know for our love, and we're not, for the most part. It's a failure on our end.

  2. You're right. Sadly, it's not true at all, but I wanted to put it here as a reminder!

    Our "brand" should be LOVE, not "things we are against because we get our knickers in a knot when things don't go how we want."


  3. but it's so much more fun to get my knickers in a knot and yell & stamp my feet! :) Love and undertanding requires *effort*. ;)

  4. "Christians aren't known to the world because we all dress the same, comb our hair alike, or vote identically. We are known by our love. That's our basic identity."

    Darn, Amber beat me to it.

    Ah, if only this were true. You know it brings to mind the Scripture that says "perfect love casts out all fear". Hmm, the only love that we can have that is prefect is Christ's love. If we could learn to live in that love, and demonstrate it and express it, think of all the fear in our world that would be gone.

  5. Carmen,

    I love to be the first to rain on the parade with reality. :)

  6. Carmen, love what you said about perfect love and fear. I wonder how much of what we do and how we act in life and our dealing with others has to do with some fear we have in our life. Self preservation instead of reaching out to others IN SPITE OF what fearful thing may happen. Hmmm. You made me think!

    Amber, LOL! :)
