
Friday, October 2, 2009

Random Spiritual Thoughts

These are just some random thoughts that I noted from the devotional section of the October In Touch magazine.

Speaking of Jehoshaphat, "he had developed the habit of seeking the Lord in various situations," and likewise "we must discipline ourselves to seek God every day, acknowledging His Lordship and our dependence on Him."

"If we start our day thinking about Him instead of our own plans, and regularly read and apply Scripture, then we demonstrate a heart that is pursuing Him." -- I really like seeing this and circled "apply" because I read the Bible, but don't always apply it. So what good is that? James tells us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. I've become a sponge. Also I've been wondering how to pursue God -- He speaks often of seeking after Him and following Him so maybe this is a clue of how to do this.

"Goals should align with Scripture; then our heavenly Father directs us, and we follow with confidence. We ... ought to have a clear picture of what needs to be accomplished." The example given is the young boy David who knew the God-mocking Goliath needed to be challenged.

"Live intentionally." -- Two words with a lot of punch, eh?

"Our success will be determined by our dependence upon the Lord. If we set out to accomplish anything in our own strength -- even a godly task -- we will fail." -- Reminds me of Jesus' words in John 15 -- "without me, you can do nothing." Nothing is pretty much self-explanatory.

"The Lord will equip us for every task He assigns."

"You can continue to live as before, or you can find out what God plans to do in your life." -- I circled that "or"!

Do you agree or disagree with any of these? If so, why? Any personal stories of how some of these have become true in your own lives? How does one live intentionally anyway? Hmmm.


  1. I agree about starting the day thinking about God, and throughout the day for that matter.

    I'm not sure about not being able to achieve anything in our own strength, unless it just means, God is ultimately behind all of our strengths. :)

  2. Unfortunately, I've learned the hard and long way that my dependence on self is always going to get in the way of what God wants to do and can do.

    I agree that our dependence needs to be on Him.
