
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is God Fair?

The Bible says God is just. Does this mean God is fair or what exactly? I tend to think He is not fair in the human understanding of the word. If God were fair, we would each have exactly the same things in life, but anyone can look around and see some are filthy rich while others are wallowing in filth and starvation. And there are loads of others in between these two extremes.

This site
declares God is not completely fair and says it's a good thing because fairness makes us all worthy of hell. They say God is merciful and good, which I agree that He is.

What does God being just mean? gives these definition of "just."

1. guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
2. done or made according to principle; equitable; proper: a just reply.
3. based on right; rightful; lawful: a just claim.
4. in keeping with truth or fact; true; correct: a just analysis.
5. given or awarded rightly; deserved, as a sentence, punishment, or reward: a just penalty.
6. in accordance with standards or requirements; proper or right: just proportions.
7. (esp. in Biblical use) righteous.
8. actual, real, or genuine.

What do you think? Is God fair? Is He just? Are justice and fairness the same thing?


  1. I tend to think He is not fair in the human understanding of the word. If God were fair, we would each have exactly the same things in life, but anyone can look around and see some are filthy rich while others are wallowing in filth and starvation. And there are loads of others in between these two extremes.

    You said it all in these lines. so many times you see things which are not fair around you which only god can solve, but then you think that this is not a fairytale world and then you think why not, why can not it be a good and fair world. it's a tough question so i tend to ignore it cuz sometimes you tend to not like god if you think too much about it .

  2. I like what Muse said..Susanne, you really get us thinking,, digger deeper it..thanks for stopping by to comment. I know you get my daily devotionals in your email so this was a pleasant surprise seeing you this ya girl

  3. MuSe, ooooh, I like your honesty! That is soooo true!

    Angela, great to see you here!

    Thank you both for your comments. :)
