It's the end of yet another month! I finished the last book just today so I have this now ready to post. By the way, ten months ago today we landed in Damascus, toured St. Paul's Chapel and St. Ananias' Chapel among other things. Such good memories. Can't wait to go back to Syria one day, Lord willing.
Life Wide Open by David Jeremiah -- "unleashing the power of a passionate life" -- discusses getting a "grip" on the passionate life, overcoming enemies of it and unleashing the power of a life lived passionately
"Passionate, visionary people spend their lives walking away from the easy route. What's ahead is uncertain, but nothing is more certain than the love and sovereignty of our Lord -- and besides, excitement beckons over the horizon. You can't not do this, because it's what you were meant to do. You can feel it in your bones." (pg. 75)
Sin Bravely by Mark Ellingsen -- "a joyful alternative to the purpose-driven life" -- see previous posts for more information on this book
The Consequences of Love is a novel by Eritrean-born Sulaiman Addonia who was educated in Saudi Arabia. This is the story of a young African boy who left his country to live in Saudi. It's the story of a young man looking for and finding love in a country that separates men and women. There is talk of rape and homosexuality among men and also how connections are everything there. (See posts from earlier this month for more information on this book.)
Treason by local author Don Brown is in the Navy Justice Series -- this book told the story of JAG prosecutor Zack Brewer as he tried a high-profile rape case and also one against alleged terrorists infiltrating the US Navy
Coming to America is an Egyptian Muslim family's story and pictures by photojournalist Bernard Wolf. This children's book tells the story of eight-year-old Rowan and her family as they go to school, shop for halal meats, go to mosque and celebrate her older brother's birthday.
The Translator is "a tribesman's memoir of Darfur" by Douad Hari. I greatly enjoyed reading this Zaghawa tribesman's perspective of the war in his region. I was often saddened by the things he reported. His descriptions of the Sahara Desert were incredible (pg. 19) and I enjoyed reading of his adventures as he translated for many reporters. Easy-to-read and hard-to-read book ... weird, huh? Besides what I previously posted about, I enjoyed reading Daoud's perspective on the why the people were fighting and the problem with dealing with rebel groups (pg. 12). A touching part was when he buried his brother Ahmed after their village was attacked (pg. 60).
Embrace Me by Lisa Sampson -- with not much on the outside cover and no jacket telling me what this book would be about, I started reading...and wondered if I should continue. But I did and I'm glad. It was about Valentine and her life in a freak show. The second story line dealt with Drew who was writing his confession to a Catholic priest. There is talk of Daisy and her past with Drew. And also there is Augustine who lives for others. I just wanted to jot down a few sentences from this book which dealt quite a bit with the subject of forgiveness.
"Sometimes acid is thrown in your face. And sometimes it's grace. Both leave you changed somehow. Don't ask me how it works." -- Valentine (pg. 155)
"No, I'm a taker. I take from Hermy and Father Brian these days. I give them almost nothing in return."
"I suppose the satisfaction of knowing they're helping a messed-up man is something."
"God's giving that to them, not you, Drew." -- conversation between Drew and his mother (pg. 192)
"...I was trying to trust God to take care of you."
"Sometimes, Mom, God wants us to move forward when we see somebody drowning instead of waiting for a sign." (pg. 196)
"Served the people, saw a lot of heartache and pain. Learned to pray. Learned to forget about himself. Learned to help kids with their homework." (pg. 237)
"What's troubling you, Gus?"
"My father showed up."
"Oh. No wonder you're in such a state."
"How do I forgive him? He wants to make amends."
"Do you have a choice?"
"I don't feel it in my heart. I want to be obedient and more than anything, I want to be like Christ who forgives and taught us seventy times seven. But it's just not there."
Father Brian clears his throat. "If we waited to forgive people until we feel like it, most sins would go unforgiven. Just forgive him, tell God you forgive your father, and let your emotions catch up later." (pg. 275)
Hostage is book two in the Navy Justice Series mentioned above. In this book prosecutor Zack Brewer tries a high-stakes international case in Israel.
A Thread of Truth by Marie Bostwick is a novel that takes place in New Bern, CT. It's the story about a small town quilt circle that helps out newcomer Ivy Peterson as she flees her abusive husband and seeks to start a new life for herself and her children. It is a heartwarming story about the power of friendships and how we can influence people's lives. For a fiction book this story had a lot of good quotes. I shared some of them on separate posts throughout the latter half of November.
Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk About Their Lives by Bouthaina Shaaban -- I have many quotes from this book that I will share at a later date, but I finished this book today so I can count it with the November books.
i envy you for reading all these books, god i miss those days when i used to glued to books, one after another. i still have a lot of them but don't know why i don't read anymore. iam so lazy :( . keep reading, it's the most amazing and joyful act in the world :)