
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Michael at Disney World

Back in September, Michael went with his parents to Disney World in Orlando, FL. Here are just four pictures from that time.

Minnie Mouse, Michael & Mickey Mouse
Look at Minnie twirling her dress in her fingers.

Michael and the blue Power Ranger

Every kid's dream...Jedi training!

The Three Little Pigs...I mean,
Will, Piglet and Michael


  1. *shudder* Those people dressed up as Micky/Minnie/Pluto/whoever always give me the creeps.

    But it looks like Michael had fun.

    (Jedi training, for the win. Think it'd be weird for an adult to play?)

  2. I'm sure they'd love to train you, Amber. ;-)

  3. So cute! I miss that place! Michael is such an adorable young man. I still say he favors his Aunt Susie!

  4. So cute! I miss that place! Michael is such an adorable young man. I still say he favors his Aunt Susie!

  5. Too precious...I so hope for the day I can take my children (and maybe grandchildren by the time we go,,lol) to Walt Disney. Randy and I had our honeymoon there..

  6. nah. Too old, am I.

    I wouldn't fit in in the creche and I have too much anger to be a Jedi. Now a Sith....

    Oh! My word is 'thugi'! Kali maaa...
