
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hope for the New Year!

"We wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:13)

In reading a brief article by Ann Vande Zande, I came across a statement about the Enemy's attack centering on "annihilating hope." I can relate. Can you?

Sometimes it seems I want to just give up and become a cynic because life seems boring and purposeless or this or that situation just never gets rectified. Maybe you are too busy to have those moments, but perhaps there is something in your life, some circumstance you push aside and try not to think about or maybe it's something you can't help but think about because it is so blaringly obvious and fills your thoughts And that place or situation makes you feel sad and depressed because most days there seems to be NO HOPE.

What a discouraging place to be!

The author suggests "speaking the Creator's thoughts out loud can bring clarity [because it is] not some clever message we summoned from within, but divine truth accessed by reading the Living Word." Then she adds this which is what captured my attention the most:

"The Logos reveals the mind of God and releases hope."

The Logos, The Word -- Jesus!

Yes, we can find great hope in Jesus!

I encourage you to find some of your favorite promises of God and speak them, pray them and find hope. Many months ago I asked some friends to share some of their favorite verses and added them to a page I called Victory Verses. I haven't been to this site in a long time and it seems it's a bit off from how I remember it. Google might have done some updating which messed up the pages, however, you can still read these verses if you wish. Or find your own verses.

Wishing you much HOPE in this new year!


  1. Susanne, I loved your idea of the victory verses. I shall recite them, I promise :)

    Happy New Year my dear, dear friend.

  2. And happy new year to you, Sweet Suroor! I hope you find your victory verses helpful. :)
