
Monday, February 22, 2010

And "The Eds" Have Returned!

You thought I'd forgotten about these things, huh? Maybe I was inspired to resurrect this from Shell's Maybes Monday last week. Ya never know. :)

Two birthday parties this weekend. One at Kidsport for Michael's 8th birthday and one for the family February birthdays (my brother, sister, brother in law and nephew.)

Listed: partly because I'm a name nerd, all the young boys at Michael's party this weekend: brothers Malik & Mason; twin friends from church, Olin and Louin; other church friends, Blake, Mason G., Brycen, Austin and John; Classical Conversations friends, Stephen, Michael B., Tony and Christopher. They could have 15 boys and only Jacob from CC was unable to attend.

Chuckled: when Michael would be handed a card and he'd say "Oh, a letter!" and then proceed to read every word on the card

Laughed: with the family as we watched video from 2003 where we saw cutie pie 16 month old Michael & his darling family on a visit to Greenville, SC

Finished: Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey -- this "cultural studies in the gospels" was an excellent read; chapter by chapter the author took parables, teachings of Jesus, interactions of Jesus with others and explained them through culturally-appropriate lenses

Picked: up the History of Islam and started reading from volume one of the set given to us in Damascus; the chapter on Muhammad was 168 pages and I'm so happy to report I'm finally on the next chapter, "The Rightly-Guided Caliphate" which is a mere 120 pages. Can you tell I'm not used to chapters being quite that long? ;-)

Continued: reading Tea With Hezbollah with Samer; only one chapter left

Impressed: by Sami Awad, a Palestinian Christian who is truly following the teachings of Jesus by loving his enemies while working peacefully for his people's rights; I read about him on the chapter from the West Bank in Tea With Hezbollah

Visited: McDonald's last week for the first time in ages; though it wasn't "my" McDonald's. I've not been to "my" McDonald's since last June or July except for a brief winter night when we -- Steph, Will, Michael, Andrew & I -- stopped by near closing time after Christmas shopping

Tired: from staying up late watching the Olympics Winter Games from Vancouver

Amazed: that the US hockey team defeated Canada last night

Liked: this quote from my current The Voice of the Martyrs publication:

"These dictators just can't reconcile that their people can have freedom in Christ." (pg. 9) -- after sharing how the former president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, would persecute Christians, ban Bibles, raid the homes of preachers and bulldoze churches

Thus concludes this edition of "The Eds." What have you been "edding" about lately?


  1. Love your -eds!

    Thanks for sharing them. :)

  2. You are such a darling, Susanne. I thank the Lord for bringing you in my life.

    And a very happy birthday to one of the most beautiful boys in the world - the gentle Michael!

  3. Carmen, and that YOU for reading and leaving a comment. :)

    Suroor, you're so sweet. <3 Thank you!
