
Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Earth's crammed with heaven"

Yesterday I sat on my porch as a storm was approaching and basked in the might and glory of God's creation. The wind was tousling my hair, cooling my skin and making the trees sway. A large bird was soaring above and I watched it glide in the wind current looking so free. I stopped to enjoy the show.

I also saw a butterfly flit from blossom to blossom and a hummingbird zoom as those birds are prone to do. I enjoyed an ordinary bush I love the greenery with raindrop décor! God gives me much to enjoy. Every day. I just have to open my eyes and look past the hard times in life to recognize this fact.

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God:
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries."
(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Today marks a year since
my grandparents moved up here! It was on a Saturday though. I remember when we first told Michael that Mema and Pop were moving to NC, he said matter-of-factly, "Oh, they will be glad to see me."


  1. i love the picture so much, it gives a beautiful image to your description of the weather.
    The beauty of the world a true indication that the world has a great creator :).

    and i love how thanksful you are to all that you have. And we all should because God has given us so much.

    Love-three loves so far, lol- how Michael sounded so sure of himself and how happy your grandparents will be to see him. It's beautiful and obvious how his parents raise him with so much love and respect:)

  2. Very beautiful pics and thoughts of heaven on earth! mA!

  3. Love this post. I've been feeling the same way, and it's a great thing. Cool poem/quote, too. Glad you're also enjoying the world. :)

  4. Wafa', I'm glad you found three loves in this simple post! :) I agree that the picture is lovely. God is such an amazing Creator and Sustainer of life! Thanks for your sweet comment. I'm thankful you liked the post. :)

  5. Lat, thanks much! I'm glad you liked the post. :)

  6. Sanil, yeah, I came across that poem in another book awhile back and stopped and thought about it. Then I saw it again in this new book I'm reading and wanted to record it here. It was timely since I'd just been admiring God's creation during the approaching storm. Just seemed fitting to share about all that in one post. Thanks much for your comment!
