
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 234 & "The Eds"

Happy Independence Day!

Enjoyed: Watching fireworks with Michael, Andrew, neighbors and old church friends Thursday night

Started: painting our shutters last night

Watched: the Argentinian god humiliated as his team was soundly defeated by Germany in the World Cup yesterday

Talked: to my four-year-old neighbor when he dropped by for a visit last evening

Decided: to start reading and posting notes on Matthew again (join me)

Reflected: upon "to whom much is given of him much will be required" as it relates to my blessed life in the United States

Reminded: by a friend's Facebook note that not all people in the world go to bed safe and full

Challenged: by a local pastor to not idolize America and remember God (not "God and country") comes first

Grieved: that a friend lost her father on the morning of her birthday

Hugged: my little bug after missing him so much while he was at camp

Enjoyed: the crepe myrtles in full blossom around the area now -- God's creation is simply awesome!


  1. Yay! Happy birthday AMREEKA!!

  2. Happy Birthday America :)

    ( Talked: to my four-year-old neighbor when he dropped by for a visit last evening)
    ok i am sleepy here so didn't get it, was he four years old? or was he your neighbor for four years ?
    But you said old, so he is 4 years old ? if he 's , then that's so cute :)

    (Reminded: by a friend's Facebook note that not all people in the world go to bed safe and full) , now that's need a complete post, doesn't it? it so sad how the world is :(

    ( Grieved: that a friend lost her father on the morning of her birthday), avery sad news indeed. Poor they, it's a date she would never forgot. May God grant him peace and take care of his family.

  3. Happy Independence Day,friend!

    Just a note.Here 4th of July is a holiday too.We celebrate it as Youth Day.So all schools are closed.

  4. Suroor, loved the "Amreeka!" :-) Thanks!

    LK, hope you enjoyed the holiday! I enjoyed your post about your last 4th in the Big City!

  5. Wafa', yeah, Walker is 4 and he is too cute! You may be able to see him here with his mom.!/joycewalkereast?ref=ts

    He likes to come over and visit and he likes for us to go to his house. We were there last night celebrating the holiday. :)

    You write good posts making people aware of hunger in the world. I admire you for those thought-provoking posts.

    Yeah, I was so sad for Colleen. Her birthday was June 30 and we were all wishing her a Happy Birthday on Facebook and then later she posted that her father was found dead that morning. Heartbreaking! :(

    Thanks for your comment!

  6. Lat, how fun! Youth Day, huh? Is that to celebrate the young people in your country? I am not sure where you live. Do you have school year-round? Here most students are out for the summer. I hope your children enjoyed their day off school! :)
