
Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Little Beauty

Happy 10-10-10!  Yesterday we went for a short visit to the North Carolina mountains.  We hiked a trail at Stone Mountain on Saturday and today we drove several miles along the Blue Ridge Parkway before heading home.

Blue Ridge Parkway, NC

I have a few other pictures at this public Facebook link if you want to see Stone Mountain and some people climbing it.


  1. Love the 2nd pic more :)

    There's nothing so beautiful like nature!

  2. that was very refreshing, and the pics are a very nice mood boost.

    nice post to start a morning with :)

  3. Sanil, thank you! :)

    Lat, I agree! I love seeing all the beautiful things God created!

    Ze2red, welcome and thank you! I'm glad it was a nice start to your morning! :D
