
Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Dozen

Yay, so I finally finished another book (the Muhammad one) and posted my last notes on it yesterday.  Thanks to all who have commented on those posts. As always, you made the reading more interesting and informative! I returned the book to the library and ended up with three more plus a couple others on my list to get another time.  I got one about Paul, a fiction one fleshing out the story of Matthew (despised-by-his-own tax collector for Rome turned disciple of Jesus and writer of the first gospel) and another that deals with Noah having a son who drowned. Actually it discusses some of the similarities and differences of the Quran and Bible - I think. I didn't check it out too thoroughly there since I planned to read it.  

In the meantime, I read this Random Dozen on another blog and decided to fill in my own answers just for fun.  I hope you all are having a great week/weekend!

1. Is there a word which you initially mispronounced? Were the circumstances in which you made the faux pas embarrassing? By the way, that's not "foax pass." (I know you know that. Just jokin' with ya.)
I pronounce a lot of things the Southern way so I'm not usually embarrassed unless it's just a word I've seen in books many times and know what it means, but when I go to say or read it out loud I'm like, "Errr, how exactly is that said?" I think the most embarrassing one was saying facade like "fuh CADE." At least that's the one that comes to mind now.

2. How do you feel about the use of texting shortcuts and trends? (ex: "I've got ur notes. Get them 2 u 2morow.")
It annoys me sometimes. Is it that much harder to write "your" than "ur"?  However, I do use a few of them from time to time on blogs (e.g. BTW for "by the way") so I guess I shouldn't complain.

3. Tell me about your high school senior picture. Please feel free to post.
It was me in a drape-type thing...utterly cute (not!)

5. Share a high school or college homecoming memory.
High school homecomings were just basketball games and seeing some old friends. Nothing overly-memorable.

6.  Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets. They both are pretty, but I see more sunsets so I have more of those in my mind.

7.  What is something you have not done that you desire to do?
live in another country for a while -- I think it would be neat to experience another culture and people for a while, see what I can learn from them, what I miss from home and so forth. I think it would be a wonderful learning experience.

8. If you could come back [in another life] as an animal, which would it be?
maybe a marine creature so I could explore under the sea and see the beauties way down deep

9. Where were you 10 years ago? Please feel free to elaborate more than just your physical location.
let's see...we lived in a mobile home in a cow pasture that we bought prior to our marriage (we bought the mobile home, not the cow pasture, that is); Andrew lived in it a month or so before we married; we were preparing to buy the house we are in now ... or at least start looking; this was pre-Michael so those days don't stand out so much to me now except for the little I shared; boring, yes.

10. When you are proven to be correct in any contentious discussion, do you gloat?
If I could remember any "contentious discussion" where I've been proven to be correct, I'd tell ya. Usually any contentious discussions just stop with our points being heard and each satisfied with her own understanding of things.  I don't think I'm much of a gloater because I realize there is soooooooooo much out there I don't know and so many people much smarter than I.

11. What is your favorite food which includes the ingredient "caramel?"
sundaes and those little caramel candies with the white centers

12. If you could be part of any fictional family, which family would you choose and why?
The Huxtables from The Cosby Show -- they all seemed successful and had fun together; laughing together is a good thing


  1. ( If I could remember any "contentious discussion" where I've been proven to be correct, I'd tell ya. Usually any contentious discussions just stop with our points being heard and each satisfied with her own understanding of things. I don't think I'm much of a gloater because I realize there is soooooooooo much out there I don't know and so many people much smarter than I. )

    you would really hate discussion in our Arabic world, it's all about proven that I am right and you are wrong. I am on the way to your road though :)

    thanks for the Q & A, loves to know more about you lovely lady :)

  2. ha, ha...Nahhhh, I bet I'd love some good-natured debate. :) Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading. :)

  3. Oh, I really enjoyed this! Thanks for posting :)

    I prefer sunrise :)

  4. I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning. I just miss too many of them it seems. They are often gorgeous and so full of hope.
