
Monday, November 15, 2010

Home from Damascus!

On Saturday we left North Carolina to travel to Damascus. Did we go all the way to Syria? They say a picture is worth a thousand words so let's examine the evidence with just these four pictures (click to enlarge photos.)

A bed and breakfast in downtown Damascus

The road near the place we stayed
Main Street as seen from above
Here's a big clue!
You were right! We never left the country! What tipped you off? The lack of crowds in the street?  No minarets showing? The American flags in the first two pictures?   :-)


  1. :D Awesome. Welcome back, anyway!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The first picture tells it all.

    It doesn't look like Samascus, Syria at all.

    Not the atmopsher or the architecture . Smart girl i am, huh :P

    hope you enjoyed your time dear :)

  4. Sanil, thank you! I hope you are doing well these days. :)

    Wafa', ha, ha! Yes, you are a very smart lady for sure! :-D

  5. I was gonna say the lack of desert in the first pic, actually. :)

  6. Haha! She's a very Americanized landscape! Wish you had a splendid weekend there! The place looks cool!
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. Amber, oh you are so smart!

    Lat, yes, it was fun and a neat place to visit that not too far from home. :)

  8. Still looks like *beautiful* country even if it's not the same Damascus as before. :)

  9. Carmen, oh you know America is beautiful! But I do miss my Syrian friends. :)
