
Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Michael Doodlebug!

Today he is 9!


  1. Happy Birthday Michael!

    You know, I have a hard time remembering that he's only nine. He seems so much more mature half the time from what you say. :)

  2. Happy Birthday Michael :)

    Hope he will have a great, long and happy life :)

  3. Happy Birthday Michael!

    Hope he had a wonderful day and that he has a great year ahead of him. Ameen.

  4. Qusay, thank you! Always nice to see you around. I hope you are doing well these days! :)

    Amber, ha! Yes, I know. Some things he says are very grownup, yet he still is quite the youngster in many ways (for which I am grateful!!) :-D

    Wafa', thanks so much!

    Becky, I appreciate that!

    Thank you all for your wishes! :)
