
Friday, May 27, 2011

Probing Memories

Remember in the Bible how often people made altars to God? They might look to many like mere piles of rocks, but they were set up for people to look at and remember God's faithfulness or a promise to them or a significant event that happened at a particular place.  We have places of remembering throughout our world - shrines to saints, memorials to past heroes and sometimes even extremely fancy places like the Taj Mahal built as a memorial for a beloved wife.  This is Memorial Day weekend in the United States as a matter of fact.

In the second chapter of Soul Print, author Mark Batterson speaks of Life Symbols. He makes the case for our past experiences and memories making up much of who and what we are.  He offers these Questions for Discussion and Reflection that I thought I'd pass along. 

Feel free to answer these in the comment section or simply reflect on them to yourself if you are in a memory-probing mood. If you don't want to answer all of them, one or two will do.  Perhaps just share a good or life-altering memory.

1. If it's true that our combination of memories makes us who we are, ... then who are you?

2. Are you the kind of person who tends to think about the past a lot, perhaps observing special anniversaries or using photos as memory aids? Or do you mostly stay focused on the present or the future?  Why do you think you are that way?

3.  In the months and years that followed his victory over Goliath, what do you think David was reminded of when he looked at the giant's armor?

4.  What kind of memory management do you need to do to move toward your God-given destiny? What past events do you need to start recalling to memory?  Stop remembering so much? Reinterpret?

5.  When you think about your very earliest memories, which one stands out?

6.  What tangible symbols or mementos could you use to remind yourself of some of the defining moments in your life?


info from pg. 160-1


  1. 1. If it's true that our combination of memories makes us who we are, ... then who are you?

    I'm me. I'm the unique result of all my past experiences. It's not entirely the memories that make us who we are, but the actual acts that go in to creating the memories. The effects that they have on our personalities. Memory serves to remind us of them, to reinforce the lesson, perhaps.

    2. Are you the kind of person who tends to think about the past a lot, perhaps observing special anniversaries or using photos as memory aids? Or do you mostly stay focused on the present or the future? Why do you think you are that way?

    I'm not big on anniversaries, etc. I don't go through photo albums and reminisce about old times. I guess I tend to be a 'in the moment' person. The past is gone, and my personal past doesn't appeal all that much to me. Now, history is different, of course. But that's more of a hobby...

    3. In the months and years that followed his victory over Goliath, what do you think David was reminded of when he looked at the giant's armor?

    That everyone dies. No one is invincible, no one is immortal, no matter how 'big' and powerful they may be.

    I'm not sure what to do with your fourth question. It seems sort of weird to me for some reason.

    5. When you think about your very earliest memories, which one stands out?

    My uncle and the escargot fiasco. :)

    6. What tangible symbols or mementos could you use to remind yourself of some of the defining moments in your life?

    There's plenty. Photos, mementos, a smell, a feeling. But I don't tend to that. I have many such things, but I don't tend to use them as such.

  2. 1. If it's true that our combination of memories makes us who we are, ... then who are you?

    I am a woman who never allows anyone to think in her place :)

    2. Are you the kind of person who tends to think about the past a lot, perhaps observing special anniversaries or using photos as memory aids? Or do you mostly stay focused on the present or the future? Why do you think you are that way?

    It depends. I don't usually think too much about the past.

    3. In the months and years that followed his victory over Goliath, what do you think David was reminded of when he looked at the giant's armor?

    That he too must die one day?

    4. What kind of memory management do you need to do to move toward your God-given destiny? What past events do you need to start recalling to memory? Stop remembering so much? Reinterpret?

    I don't understand this question.

    5. When you think about your very earliest memories, which one stands out?

    The smell of my grandmother's neck :) She smelled so sweet.

    6. What tangible symbols or mementos could you use to remind yourself of some of the defining moments in your life?

    I have momentos but I don't really ever look at them.

  3. Amber, thanks for answering the questions. It was fun learning more about you! Yes, I can see where #4 would not make sense if you had not read the book. :)

    Now you see where the Facebook question came from. I love your answer to that one (your uncle and the escargot)! :D

    Thanks again!

  4. Suroor, glad you answered them as well!

    I always like this description of you:

    "I am a woman who never allows anyone to think in her place :)"

    And i loved the answer about your grandmother's neck! :)

    Thanks for taking time to share about you!
