
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Two British Guys in Walmart - so funny!

What was your favorite Alex and Liam discovery?  :)


  1. Curse my inability to watch videos at work! Well, it's not so much an inability as the fact that I don't have office walls, so people will hear me. I'm going to have to watch this when I get home!

  2. LOVED it! And I absolutely get it, that was kinda me first time in a Wal-Mart :P I was like, what IS this place?!

    And yeah, the lube thing is HILARIOUS :P cause it really does only mean one thing in UK/Europe...

    And all the containers are MASSIVE...

  3. Amber, I hope you were able to view it at home. :)

    Becky, that's it! There should have been a Becky Does Walmart when you first went. :)

  4. Hahahaha well that's about 2½ years ago, and I didn't even have a blog then!

    I also remember my first shopping experience in Ireland, when all of a sudden this guy was grapping my groceries and I was like "Excuse me?!". Turned out he was bagging it for me... *blushes* ooooops :P we just don't do that stuff in Denmark!

  5. How funny! I love hearing about stuff like that. I remember a couple years ago a blogger wrote about her inlaws coming to the US from Saudi and the things that took their attention. I always like those types of posts for some reason. :)

  6. So funny and true! I am a fan of Walmart. I even buy my clothes from there :) As much as I like it I know the danger it brings to small cities. I used to live in a small city called Rolla, MO. When the supermarket Walmart opened the downtown closed because no other small business can compete with it.

  7. Jaraad, yes, that's the bad side of Walmart among other things. I go there though. I'm glad you liked the video! :)
