
Monday, September 17, 2012

New Books and My Pretty Picture Book!

These are books I got within the last few days. One was sent to me by a friend who thought I'd enjoy a book she'd finished.  Two I bought at our local Friends of the Library sale, and five I got today when I traded in ten books of my own.

I made this book on last week, and received it today. It looks great! I love making books like this so I can remember our trips.  Here are a few pages from it. Unfortunately they loaded sideways so tilt your head to the right.  You can click to enlarge them, I think.

We were here three weeks ago right now...sigh. I loved it.  God really blessed us with wonderful weather, and a truly great trip!

Innsbruck, Austria

Eagle's Nest, Bayern, Germany

Salzburg, Austria


  1. Glad you enjoyed your time there, wishing you more wonderful trips blessed with great weather and beautiful company :)

  2. I like the photos book, much better than browsing on the computer.

  3. have you tried yet? With your love of books I think you'd really enjoy it :)

  4. Wafa, thank you! I wish you could have been there with us. I think you'd have enjoyed it. :)

    Jaraad, they are good ways to show your vacation to your family and friends who want to see some pictures, but not necessarily a whole memory card full of them! :)

    LK, no, I've not tried that, but thanks for the suggestion!

  5. Yay books!

    I got coupons or gift cards or something for Shutterfly with wedding stuff, but I also have a photographer and got two photo albums as gifts. So I don't really plan to use them, but yours does look very cool. :) Maybe I should use them anyway and make books for my parents and in-laws instead.

    I'm glad you had a great trip. Thanks for sharing pictures from it!

  6. Sanil, gifts for your parents and in laws would be nice especially with Christmas coming up. I can see your family treasuring them. I've made picture books for my sister in the past, and she often makes a picture calendar for me and they are among my best Christmas gifts!
