
Friday, October 31, 2014

October Books

Try to Remember by Iris Gomez -- the story of a teenage Colombian girl growing up in an immigrant family in Miami; I found this at a book exchange

Expats by Christopher Dickey  -- the author's recollections as he travels around the Middle East;  not my favorite book of this sort, but there were several interesting tidbits throughout

Captured by Grace by David Jeremiah -- I've read this one before, but came across it while unpacking books and decided to read it again. I love the subtitle:  "No One is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God."  Some good reminders for me in here!


  1. You've listed some intriguing books here over the last few months. Interesting what you said about Guns of August. I find WW1 fascinating, so I'll read it and let you know what I think.

  2. Yes, please do! I'm sure many folks like it fine. I just found it rather tedious. Perhaps you have some other WWI books to recommend.

  3. I think we catch up on each others' blogs in spurts :). I just read The Proud Tower, Barbara Tuchman's history of the Western world in the years leading up to WWI, and absolutely loved it. Her prose is so elegant, and I was amazed how many interesting mini-biographies she was able to include without making everyone blend together.

    I think I'll probably read The Guns of August now, since I liked Proud Tower so much. Although one of the things I liked about it was that it had so much about culture and art, and not as much political and military history (she doesn't even mention the Balkan wars).

  4. I love cultural stuff, Sarah, so that book sounds good. I will check out your book review on it. I liked parts of The Guns of August - I even shared some tidbits on Facebook that I found interesting - but I just got bored partway through, though I did finish the book! :)
