
Monday, January 12, 2015

The Twelve Days of January

Except for books reviews, I've not done a whole lot on this blog in the last few years.  I wanted to keep up with what I did this year - maybe not every day, but highlight a few things here and there. I doubt I'll blog about each day of 2015 like I did here, but I wanted to get into the habit of noting some things so I'll start with this...the twelve days of January!

1 - made Cincinnati chili; saw Sophie at my parents' house; Andrew left for youth trip in Virginia; started reading Hiroshima

The little Sophie bear

2 - started reading Bomb; fell off the stairs (hardwoods hurt); received 7 Christmas cards - one from Germany, the others were all forwarded from our old address; helped with Allied Churches of Alamance County's (ACAC) food pantry at the mall

3 - put away Christmas stuff; Andrew home around 3 PM

After I put away my Christmas decorations, I put out a few things

4  -- cleaned blinds in sun room; talked to Samer via Skype for the first time since before Christmas; finished Bomb, Hiroshima, and started and finished Lincoln's Grave Robbers

5 -- morning walk in Graham; got more library books; started reading biography of Benedict Arnold outside in the glorious sunshine (chilly, and a bit breezy, but not bad in the sun); Zach home from the mountains

6 -- to Tanger with Zach; Will started Masters class with North Carolina State (online class)

After running around in the play area, we sat in the sun for a few minutes

7 -- ACAC food pantry; colored My Little Pony pictures with Zach

Decorating the ginger train

8 -- woke up to news about Paris terror attack (Charlie Hebo); 14 degrees when I woke up; did the candy train with Zach and Mama; took Zach to the Children's Museum for a short time before dropping him off at Steph's; Andrew had two top wisdom teeth pulled; started White Collar season 5

The train before it fell apart

9 -- Yo Zone, Ross and Target with Andrew and Michael; put up coat hanger in entry way

Michael at Daniel's house on New Year's Eve

10 -- received a Christmas card from a friend in Massachusetts (had our old address on it); to the train museum with Zach (met 7 year old Nick, had fun with other children); went to the park for 45 minutes (played with Sawyer, Nelson, and Josh)

Zach and his friend, Nick

11  -- survived Harris Teeter (double coupons + Sunday = grocery shopping nightmare); Z rode his tricycle and I walked for about 45 minutes; more White Collar season 5; NC State defeated Duke in college basketball (Duke's first loss this year; Andrew happy)

12 -- played with both Sophie and Zach; decorated a Gingerbread man with Zach and Mama

Sophie and the doll she got for Christmas


  1. Lovely pics and adorable kids. Activities with kids is the best, ever!

    I cannot say which one is my fav! Maybe the first one. scary Sophie bear is just outta this world :)

  2. Glad to hear you will blog more. I which bloggers write more, as they used to couple of years ago.
    Your niece is so cute!
    I am spending lots of time with my 6 months nephew. It is the best.

  3. I like this. :-) The new decor you set out is pretty. And I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Especially Michael. He almost looks like a man.

  4. Haitham, thanks for your kind words. :) It's always great to read your comments. I hope you are doing well these days!

    Jaraad, awww glad you are able to spend time with your little nephew. I'm sure he loves his uncle. :) I want to see more from my favorite bloggers this year so get started! ;)

    Niki, thank you! I was glad I was able to include the box I bought in Damascus. Can you believe this month marks 6 years since we went there? Michael will be 13 next month. Ah!
