
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Last week we had the opportunity to take Michael, my now thirteen-year-old (wow!) nephew, to the beach. He has been going with us most years since he was four and a half.  I'm glad we were able to keep the tradition alive!

We left on a Wednesday - weird for us - and came home on Friday, March 13th.  We had a great time.  Here are a few pictures to remind me of our time there.

A view from our room

The water was quite a bit colder than the air so there was some fog

along the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk

Guys playing on the beach; drainage project in the background

I took a little time to sit on the beach

Great guys!

I love how Michael looks just like a chocolate chunk in that ice cream

Michael and Andrew

Sunrise the morning we left

view from our room


  1. These are amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing something about this lovely family trip.
    From the pictures you usually post about South Carolina it looks a beautiful place to live in.

  2. Yes, SC is a lot like NC, I think. We both have pretty beaches. NC has more mountains, though.

    Thanks for your comment!

  3. Beautiful sunrise! Looks like y'all didn't have too many people to deal with. When we went to Myrtle Beach for a couple hours one summer when the kids were little, there were just way too many people there. So we haven't gone back. The beach is always best when you can have it mostly to yourself. Or this introvert thinks so anyway. :-)

  4. I agree, Niki! We hardly ever go to Myrtle during peak season. It's actually pretty nice there when you go off-season. I like the boardwalk. We've always taken Michael there since they have more hotel options with pools and lazy rivers. Plus they are often cheaper for bigger places - maybe because there are so many more places to stay than most NC beaches! :)
