
Saturday, April 25, 2015

April: first half

1 -- watched Zach and Sophie some

helping out by mowing the grass


2 -- to Mebane park with Zach; met small child named Boaz

3 -- Zach and Sophie to the mountains; bunch of errands, read at the park

5 -- to 8:30 service at church close to my house; to Steph's for lunch; HAPPY EASTER

Zach brought these back from the mountains

6 -- Zach at my house - read and played outside

Zach and Chirpy

Notice Chirpy on the swing

Flash and Zach

7 -- Will and Michael came by to play basketball for a little while

Zach decorated his face before visiting NeeNee and Mike

8 -- to Tanger with Zach

The dog Steph let Zach have from Michael's collection; Zach named him Bagel

9 -- saw Steph and Michael at the library while there with Zach; to museum with Zach

Zach said this was me and him holding hands; he said, "I'm wearing my corduroys!"

10 -- Sophie came over to play

11 -- model trains in Mebane and Tanger playground with Zach

13 -- Lake Michael with Zach

He called it "Michael Sea" part of the time

The dogwoods were really pretty this year

14 -- to the Graham library with Zach and Bagel; Zach and Sophie to the mountains with Papaw Tony and Grammy Lisa

Bagel has gone many places with us lately

15 -- car inspected; helped Sally at the food pantry at the mall; Gilbert Blythe died at age 48 (okay, the Canadian actor who played that character)


  1. Lovely pics. My fav would be Sophie's one sitting on the couch (no, it wasn't me)
    . You hang in there Sophie, you deserved that dessert. Don't let them get to you! :P

  2. Sophie appreciates your encouragement! :-D

    Thanks for your comment. Hope you are doing well. Did you have a good visit to Jordan? Still there?

  3. you're welcome Sophie :) *girl-power*

    Thanks for asking Susanne. I came back to Glasgow 2 weeks ago. My visit was OK. I was doing some work for my studies. Always good to be back home but my mind was always away thinking of my family. I went alone and it was hard!

    Have a nice day ahead

  4. Glad you shared that about yourself. I hope your studies are going well, and that you are now back with your family. :)

    You have a nice day,too!
