
Monday, May 11, 2015

May Days

I am bound and determined not to go as overboard with sharing this month as I did in March or April. Goodness! I'd only planned to highlight a few days a month, but I got carried away the last two.  I think I have enough in these first eleven days of May!

1 -- First Friday concert in Graham: walked around with Michael and Andrew then RAIN!  Came back here for luggage, and then the boys went to Purple Penguin

2 -- to Tanger with Zach; Michael and Will came over to shoot Michael's new air gun, fly Will's drone, and shoot a few baskets.  Papa and Zach came for a few minutes, too.

Michael on the ground

The drone I named Benny

Defense, Zach and Bagel!

Good shot!

Zach's last day of being three!

3 -- Zach's party at the park; Zach stayed with me and Andrew for awhile after the party; bought Domino's pizza for him (OK, and me)

Zach is FOUR!


Sophie loved tapping her shoes on the floor

Yum. Cake!

New bike

He thought this was so funny

4 -- Steph, Will, and Mike dropped by before heading to the beach; to Tanger with Zach

headed to Texas, too

5 -- SWM flew to Dallas from Myrtle Beach; kept both kids for awhile

6 -- to the museum with Zach; to NC DMV for tag renewal and then on to ALDI

Zach enjoyed playing with a new friend

"Isn't this pretty?"

Um, he squatted a bit too far

and then he got in the sand

Sandy, wet boy

7 -- Zach at my house for the morning and early afternoon; to Walgreens for free 8x10 pics; to Hobby Lobby; Girls' Night Out at Chili's 7-11 with Melissa, Sharon and Laurie

Zach and Bagel

8 -- to Tanger with Zach

He chose to wear his snow boots

hung "Little Hooty" in the tree for Zach to discover

9 -- to Green Cove, Damascus, and Abingdon, Virginia so Andrew could ride the Creeper Trail

Green Cove
Abingdon, Virginia

Andrew riding

Selfie in Abingdon

10 -- left Abingdon for Damascus and then on to Valle Crucis and a hike at Rough Ridge overlook; home around 6:15

I noticed some blooms on my newly-planted rose bushes

Andrew hung up this tree face that we got at the Mast General Store

11 -- played a long game of hide -n- seek with Zach; saw a black snake while push mowing the yard tonight; a bird started making a nest in my clothespin bag (!!!); hottest day of the year so far (87° F)


  1. I miss these beautiful wide open green areas. Thanks for sharing these moments.

  2. I love green spaces, too. There are just so many lovely places all over this world! :)

  3. What a busy greeny sandy cakey day(s) :)

    Thx 4 sharing.

    Obviously Zack enjoyed his party :)
    The new bike seems great!

    I am undecided between Sophie's pic (on the bike holding mickey mouse) and the very last one as my fav pic of today's post :)

  4. Love all the pictures. And yay, four years old!

    I like the tree face, too. My in-laws have one of those and I thought it was so cute and fun the first time I saw it.

  5. Haitham, I always love your comments. They make me smile! :D I am so sorry for not acknowledging it sooner!

    Maha, thank you!

    Steph, good to see you! :)
