
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Flowering Bridge

On the mile walk from Chimney Rock to Lake Lure, there is an old bridge that is covered in flowers. 

View looking back towards where we came from - Chimney Rock

This article explains it a bit if you are interested in learning how this bridge was saved from destruction, and taken over by flowers and decorative items, even doors. (click picture to enlarge)

We enjoyed this walk on Saturday morning. First there was this door.

We laughed when we saw this picture:

Susanne as a door

Some other sights.

the tallest part of this is not even knee-high on me

this blossom is about the size of my hand spread out

There are plenty more flowers and decorations that I didn't include here.   You'll have to go look for yourself sometime!


  1. A relaxing beautiful spot!
    The door was really something. As it is a last frontier between our world and some mystical, fun, and full-of-wonders world! Alice theme sort of thing :)
