
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August Events

Here are some pictures and events from August.  Hope you are having a great September! 

1 -- spent a few hours with Sophie

after a bath

2 -- Andrew and I visited Pilot Mountain State Park

see the climber?

5 -- swimming with Michael, Stephanie, and Zach

6 -- saw deer in the yard; Zach and I saw Superheroes at the library

We saw these deer in our neighbors' yard

Zach loved this bulletin board at the library

18 -- started working on the book about Zach that he got for his birthday from Stephanie

20 -- outside with Sophie

notice the spider?

 21 -- trip to City Park with Zach (also went on the 13th for the first time)

going through the tunnel

Zach made a friend, Ace

22 -- day trip to Boone

Rough Ridge Overlook

Beacon Heights, Blue Ridge Parkway

Boone Fork Trail

August 23 -- sprayground for the last time this year; Andrew went with us

August 27 -- Zach left for the mountains, and then a trip to Disney World with his grandparents. We drew Mickey and Zach with chalk the morning before he left. 

Sunshine too bright

August 28-- Myrtle Beach: we had so much fun!

A favorite spot on the Boardwalk

August 30 -- stopped by Southport for a few hours before heading home

Selfie with the pelican


  1. Nice pics as always.

    I have 3 tied pics for a fav. this time :)

    1)Sophie after a bath (a classic on ignore the camera technique...bravo) :D
    2)the train! I want to have a ride, seriously :)
    3)the deer (yr caption did not "scream" or the like,,, is that that usual to see such a view? :) I am not that fond of animals myself but the deer looked peaceful and cute!
    I struggled to find the incy wincy spider! :P

  2. We do see deer fairly often around here, but not all the time. And, no, I don't see them lying in the grass much. They must have felt right at home! :)

    You did find the spider, though, right? It's yellow and black and on the left side of the picture. Those are more common this time of year...or they seem so!

    Thanks for your comment. It's always great hearing from you!

  3. I spotted it alright :) - I was looking near Sophie's hand thinking it must be there but she was oblivious to it; hence the photo

    Waiting for Sep. events/photos and what not :)
