A year ago today, we moved into our new house and sold our old one. (Yep, all on the same morning.) I'm so thankful that we are not moving and unpacking this year. Also, I'm grateful for the blue skies and sunshine we had today. It's been a rainy few days, and more are expected due to Hurricane Joaquin. I like sunshine so, so much. So much that I'm going back out now to enjoy it before it sets.
The Story Keeper by Lisa Wingate --
Journalist Jen Gibbs, presently of NYC, returns to the Blue Ridge
Mountains following a story about a "Melungeon girl trapped by dangerous
men in Appalachia at the turn of the twentieth century."
Larkspur Cove
by Lisa Wingate -- After her divorce, Andrea returns to her parents'
lake house in an effort to build a new life for herself and her son.
Interesting tale of her life working in the field as a family counselor.
The Accidental Bestseller by Wendy Wax -- four writer friends come together to produce an outstanding book, but, oh, the ramifications of this!
A Wedding Invitation by
Alice J. Wisler -- after attending a wedding intended for someone else,
Samantha reconnects with some people from her past and remembers part of
her time helping Vietnam refugees in the Philippines
Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution by Mona Eltahawy -- I agree with a lot of what she has to say though I'm still conservative enough that everything she proposes is not for me, (i.e., I think it's not right to do.) This book is part memoir and part her position on what needs to change in certain societies.
On why there are more Aishas than Khadijahs:
has the notion of the child bride persisted, but not the older spouse
modeled by Khadijah? ... The simple answer is because Khadijah
represents the power and autonomy that some clerics despise in women.
The child bride is helpless, malleable, without experience of any kind,
and lacking any ability to challenge a man's authority. So those clerics
who insist on the 'Islamic right' to marry little girls should just be
honest about it: they want malleable and powerless girls who will never
challenge them." Protect girls from pedophilia. (pg. 172)
by Terri Blackstock -- the story of a drug interventionist who ends up
murdered, and the 18 year old girl she was helping being suspect in her
Vicious Cycle by Terri
Blackstock -- the second book in the trilogy which started with the book
just above. In this book Lance tries to help a fifteen year old
addict, and ends up arrested for kidnapping.
A Comedy & A Tragedy
by Travis Hugh Culley -- "a memoir of learning how to read and write"
-- I read much of this while watching Zach at the children's museum; it
was OK, kind of interesting to try to understand how some people learn
by Terri Blackstock -- the last in the intervention trilogy -- Emily
and her family are once again in the middle of some drama involving drug
addicts. Whew...I am tired for them!
by Terri Blackstock -- book two in the Moonlighters Series; figured I'd
read book one so why not find the others. Juliet's surgeon husband is
gunned down. Was he involved in a secret life of drugs? Find out when
you read this book!
Lisa wingate. I have been hearing about her books A LOT lately.