
Monday, October 19, 2015

Southport Observations & Oddities

On Friday, October 16, Andrew and I left home for a couple of days in the Southport, North Carolina, region.  We booked a room at a family-owned inn the day before, and were excited about our adventure.  First off we stopped at Wrightsville Beach since we were in the vicinity.

The water was beautiful, and when we arrived around 10:45, the beach was fairly empty.  We walked together for about forty minutes, and then Andrew biked while I read a book in my chair, and walked along the edge of the water.  It was around eighty degrees so some people were swimming and playing in the water.

After staying for over three hours at Wrightsville Beach, we headed to Southport.   Besides the usual beautiful views of the lovely oak trees, the waterfront, the sunsets and sunrises, and boats, here are a few oddities or other things that took our attention from our visit.

We saw at least three weddings within the two evenings we were there.  This was from the first night.  They had the cannon to fire off twice during their festivities.  The one at dusk was especially neat as we saw the flame as the blank was shot.

 I took a picture of Andrew the next morning beside the cannon.

We noticed this small pond on our way to the marina. Unfortunately, fishing wasn't permitted.

I saw this fellow a few times. 

The Carolinas had had a lot of rain earlier in October.  Apparently the rivers upstream had flowed into the Cape Fear with muddy water because it looked tea/coffee-colored as it washed ashore.  By the way, do you see that fish?

Here's a closer view.

We were enjoying the sunshine from a bench on a short pier when we noticed Ukulele Man (or that's what we named him)!  He even sang a few songs.

 He sat after the first song.

We had a lot of fun around the area! 

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