
Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Fun Day with Sophie

On Thursday, March 17, I spent a few hours with Sophie.

First we were walking up a sidewalk, and she decided this looked like a great place to have a seat.

Later we went to Alamance Crossing's play area where she ran and climbed a bit.  Oh, and went through tunnels. 

She wanted to check out these things.

And we also saw the water.  I think she wanted to get in. It was unseasonably warm for mid-March!

I took her by the children's museum. She started playing with a wheelbarrow in the building room, and suddenly asked about her babies.  I think she remembered them from our last visit.   I told her to find them so she did.

After some time, we went outside where she enjoyed playing in the sand - and throwing both sand and mulch.

She had it all in her hair.

She had a great time with an almost-three-year old named Eddie.

In fact she followed Eddie into the water.  They aren't really supposed to get in there, but sometimes we are rebels.

Sophie made herself this much at home in the water just before I plucked her out so we could leave.  I had to change her clothes and take her home for a bath.  (Remember that hair?)

Usually the water is cleaner, but it's been "turned off" for the winter and thus got a little ... green.

Fitting for St. Patrick's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Her ponytail is adorable! What a fun day for her and what a fun aunt you are!
