
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

July Books

Lost Melody by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith -- A concert pianist's career is halted when a subway wrecks in NYC and her left hand is severely injured.  She goes back to her home in Nova Scotia to heal, plan a wedding, and tell people about her dream warning them to leave town on a certain day!  How does that announcement go over with the townspeople - and her fiancĂ© who is running for a local political office?

Screen Play by Chris Coppernoll -- The story of Harper who is trying to find work as an actor and find a love connection because that's what thirty-year-olds want in life.  The longer I read this story, the more familiar it seemed so I might have read it many years ago.

When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley -- One morning the phone rings and Jack is surprised to find himself as the guardian of his estranged, late, half-brother's six children!  Thankfully their mother isn't dead - just injured, so he moves in to help out until she heals.

Walking With Spring by Earl V. Shaffer --  This guy became the first person known to hike uninterrupted the entire length of the Appalachian Trail which was different in 1948 than it is today. Still, it was over 2,000 miles from north Georgia to Katahdin in Maine.  In his account about his hike, he mentioned an overlook in Virginia where he met a couple who seemed to be newly-married.  The guy said "howdy" so he stopped to talk.  "Mention of the Trail brought a discussion as to the proper pronunciation of Appalachian.  The lady, who spoke with a Deep South accent, used the pronunciation derived from the Appalachee Indian Tribe, the original source.  The man, definitely a northerner, said she would think so, coming from the South where, 'They always mess up the language.'  I agreed with her but didn't say so."  (pg. 67)   {This made me laugh.}; Andrew found this book at the visitor's center in Cherokee, NC, when we were there in June. 

Higher Hope by Robert Whitlow -- the second novel in The Tides of Truth trilogy; this continues the story of Tami Taylor as she continues clerking at a law firm in Savannah. I've grown to like the characters more so I'll be sure to read the final book to see how the story finishes. 

Greater Love by Robert Whitlow -- book three in The Tides of Truth trilogy; I had this one for a couple of weeks before book two became available -- I was challenged by the words on pages 198-199 about the Christian life consisting of sacrifices and "When you view those situations as opportunities, not problems, you'll understand what is means to take up your cross and follow the Lord.  The ability to really help people is God's gift to those willing to lay down their lives for others." 

Faith by Lori Copeland -- an easy read from the "Bridges of the West 1872" series; follows the story of a mail-order bride as she moves from Michigan to Texas; I think I read this book ages ago, but was looking for something light to read recently and picked it up again; how will Faith get along with her new mother in law to be?

June by Lori Copeland -- same as the above Faith book; this is another sister in the family only she leaves Michigan for Seattle and works raising funds for a tabernacle and an orphanage

Waiting for Summer's Return by Kim Vogel Sawyer --  A woman who lost her children and husband to typhoid fever as they traveled to a new life in the west has to settle down in a place where outsiders are looked upon with suspicion.  Predictable, but a sweet story.

Hope by Lori Copeland -- same as a couple of the above mentioned books; this is the third sister on her way to Kentucky to meet a guy who placed an ad for a bride. 

Where Willows Grow by Kim Vogel Sawyer -- Harley leaves his family to join a job site halfway across Kansas.  Anna Mae is left at home in the care of a neighbor who grew up with her - and never got over "losing" her to Harley.  Oh goodness.

Walking the Amazon: 860 Days. One Step at a Time by Ed Stafford -- quite an adventure this Englishman completed. Much of it was spent with a Peruvian, Cho,  who joined Ed when Ed's fellow adventurer abandoned the mission.  I cannot imagine doing this or wanting to do this. It was horrible.  But what an accomplishment!

A Promise for Ellie by Lauraine Snelling  -- I think I would have enjoyed this more if I'd read the previous series about this family. I felt like there was so much backstory that was alluded to that made this not as interesting. At least it was an easy read so I didn't spent too much time on it.

High Country Fall by Margaret Maron -- a Deborah Knott mystery that takes place in a fictitious county in the mountains of North Carolina.  My mom found this author's books recently at the library and mentioned them to me.  Judge Deborah takes the bench in WNC for a week, and helps solve a couple of murders among other things.

First Impressions by Debra White Smith -- a story about a small town in Texas and the characters in the local Huntington House Dinner Theatre: Eddi, Dave, and others.

My Heart Remembers by Kim Vogel Sawyer -- Three orphaned siblings - Maelle, Mattie, and Molly - are separated when the orphan train goes west and they are divided among three different families.  The older children never forgot each other and looked to reunite. 

Where the Heart Leads by Kim Vogel Sawyer -- This story revisits characters from an earlier book.  Thomas is now grown up, graduated from college, and searching for a job and place to live.

Glory by Lori Copeland -- Figured I should read the last of the Brides of the West series since I started reading them earlier this month.  Glory joins a wagon train to Denver City after the death of the hermit who raised her. 

Ruth by Lori Copeland -- another Brides of the West book. I don't know if my library has the others so I guess I'll read something else at this point!   There is always good books to read ... or books we hope will be good!

Death's Half Acre by Margaret Maron -- Another Deborah Knott mystery.  This book was OK, but I had a hard time keeping all the characters straight at times.  And really corruption in county politics isn't that interesting to me, but I did like some aspects of this story, and thankfully it wasn't a super-deep book and didn't take a lot of my time to read.

When Jesus Wept by Bodie and Brock Thoene  -- Book one of their Jerusalem Chronicles; this is the story of Lazarus fictionalized, but also with much of the Biblical story.  A lot of attention was paid to wine, of how the best vines and grapes were produced. Much analogy to pruning and hard times making for richer, more flavorful wine - and lives.  Some good reminders in there for me about letting go of bitterness and anger, and how people have choices in whether or not to walk in the right way.

Fields of Grace by Kim Vogel Sawyer -- this story follows the journey of a family of Mennonites who left Russia (present-day Ukraine) for the prairie in Kansas for religious freedom. 


  1. How do you choose all your books every month? Do you go into it with a plan or just browse until things jump out at you?

  2. No plan, usually. Most of these are just library books that are easy reading. A few years ago, I switched to almost all non-fiction. It was interesting to read so much about people, places, things, religion, but I gradually added more fiction and am now in a fiction "rut." :) They are generally a lot easier for me to read fast than non-fiction which take more thought (not always, but often especially if reading about history and religion or travels.)
