I think I shared this picture of my grandmother before, but since we are nearly in the graduation season, I'll post it again. My grandmother - Mary Kay* - is to the right of the little girl in the front.
* Kay was her last name before she married, not a double-called-by name that is common with the name Mary
Also, Sophie called us the night of her birthday, and we did more of these faces. Here are some good ones of her and Andrew.
She looks a lot like her mom in this one. Not that Megan wears much make up or has colorful hair, but still...
Oh my!
Cool dudes
Andrew liked this one of himself as a hand
Sophie recently pulled her second tooth. Neither time did she tell anyone it was loose! The dog on her head is also showing off missing teeth...rather creepy-looking to me, but it's just a Messenger Effect. Andrew's face!! At least he has all his teeth, right?
Y'all having too much fun with that! lol I know you miss Sophie and Zach and can't wait to be with them again.