
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Just some roaring wind!

So the last 3 days (Monday through Wednesday), we've had warm, sunny days for the most part, with a 30% chance of PM storms. Monday and Tuesday we had a small rain storm come through my area around 3:00, drop rain for about 10 minutes and then it was fine the rest of the day. I thought yesterday (April 8) would be similar, but 3 PM passed with nothing although the weather folks said there was a line over Kentucky and West Virginia that might hold together and affect us between 6 and 9 PM.

after the wind came through, it was pretty

Skip, after the wind came through

I had been outside in the back, walking a little while Andrew was unloading his mowers, etc., and then I decided around 6:45 to read on the patio.

Well, it was dark back to the north, but when I checked the radar the storms were up near the Virginia border counties so maybe 45 minutes to an hour away. Future radar even looked as if the storms would fall apart before arriving here.

But then maybe 10 minutes later, the wind just started roaring so I turned around to look and the trees were all blowing so I went inside thinking a tree might bonk me on the head as I sat reading. I decided to gather a few things in case a tree fell on my bathroom and bedroom***, and I went to flip a light switch in the small hall bathroom which has no window, therefore it was dim, and realized the power was out. The wind had only roared at this point for about 5 minutes, and, thankfully, only lasted about 5 or 10 minutes more.

It was just wind ahead of thunderstorms which we never got. No rain, no hail, no thunder at my house (though some folks got those things). The actual storms fell apart before they arrived in Graham, but the wind ahead of it was scary.

Our neighbor had a tree fall through his building (shed), and we drove about a mile down the road and saw other trees/limbs down from the straight-line winds.

Andrew ate a peanut butter, honey, and corn chip sandwich while wearing a headlamp last night. We also talked to Sophie who thought Andrew wearing a headlamp was funny (I texted her a picture.)

The flash from my phone makes it look lighter than it was in there.

Later we read on the couch with headlamps, and tried to go to bed early (10:00) since we'd been going to bed later lately. Well, that was fun. No fan, and then Andrew's gurgling stomach kept me awake!  Yes, not his snoring (which he doesn't really do much), but his stomach. Haha.

I went to the couch where I fell asleep finally only to wake up to him coming through the house to make his lunch box at 1:30 in the morning.  The power came on at 1 (I slept through it), but he was awake and decided since he was awake to make his lunch box.


We had joked about waking up to eat ice cream when the power came on, but I was not up for that at 1:00 this morning. But apparently Andrew was fine with peeling oranges and washing grapes. Who even does that? 


He text me this morning around 9:30 asking if the ice cream was all right!

*** ever since Hurricane Michael came through a couple years ago and took down a big tree on the border of our yard and hit (barely, but still) my next-door neighbor's yard, I've been even more scared of high winds toppling a tree. I love trees, and want to keep them around, but I hate what damage they can do when wind or ice topple them.

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