
Friday, July 31, 2020

More 2020 Sadness

I was nearly at Aldi around noon today when I got a call from my mom. Usually we text so I figured she had more information she wanted to share than she had time or inclination to type.

Unfortunately, it was the sad news that my dad's sister, my aunt Dorothy, had died while at the dentist this morning. She was a few weeks shy of 71.

Five of the 6 siblings at a birthday party - July 2020

I don't know all the details or even if this part is correct, but what Mama told me is that Dorothy was in the dentist chair, said she couldn't breathe, then had a heart attack. They tried CPR, but couldn't bring her back.  (In all this, I feel so bad for the dentist staff as well...that had to be so hard for them!)

Hard to believe my aunt is now with Christ! I was with my dad on Monday when he called her and I heard her because my dad likes to talk with his phone on speaker sometimes. I'm glad of that now since I was able to hear her. She was frying squash, and they chatted about 5 minutes or so.

My dad checks on his siblings nearly every day - whether by a brief call or text.

The officer who came to my parents' house - after first calling - said that they found my dad through Dorothy's cell phone contacts, and he looked to be the one she chatted/texted with the most. And the one who said "I love you."

Indeed my dad got to looking at their last texts - which were from last night, and Dorothy ended it with an "I love you," and he replied the same.

My aunt was widowed several years ago, and my dad made sure if she didn't have food that day, he'd drive to her house with food! He'd have my mom fix her things, he'd fix her things, he'd take candy and ice cream. I remember he said she really enjoyed butter pecan. And also Tootsie pops (suckers).

She had just been at my parents' house, in the driveway, yesterday as my dad had some food for her. She'd even bought a watermelon for herself and brought half for my dad. She text to tell him she made it home safely, and later that night that it was lightning. Those were among their last words to each other. 

Little did anyone know, within 10 hours or so, she would be gone from this life.

I've comforted myself today thinking of her happy, pain-free, welcomed to heaven by her loving grandparents and husband, Bobby - who called her "Red." They both were red heads, but I remember Uncle Bobby calling her Red.

I have probably posted some of these pictures before, but I wanted to share them again, on this post dedicated my aunt, Dorothy, on her Home-going day.

I updated my Ancestry family tree and it was really somber adding her to it, and having to add 31 Jul 2020 as her date of death.

2020 continues to be a tough, tough year.

( I was going to caption some of these pictures, but Blogger has changed and made it so much harder to add pictures or captions. Thanks, Blogger!)


  1. So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful relationship your dad has with his siblings, though! That is so sweet!

    Years ago my grandma told me to never end a conversation with someone you care about without an "I love you" because you never know when you'll ever get a chance to say it again. I try to remember to do that but can always use a good reminder. This story was an excellent reminder. I learn so much from your family stories. Thank you for sharing them!

    Much love to your family at this time!

  2. Thank you for your kind words! :)
