The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins -- When Camden gets an email
from his cousin, he realizes he needs to return to the home he departed
ten years ago when he fled all the baggage of family. His wife Jules is
enthusiastic about her trip to see the famous (or infamous) Ashby House
in the mountains of North Carolina. In between their sides of the story,
we read publications about the McTavish family as well as letters
written by Ruby McTavish, the heiress who adopted Cam when he was three.
Pretty good.
The Mystery Guest by
Nita Prose -- Once again, a story about a maid and a murder featuring
the lovable, quirky Molly. When a popular author reserves the hotel tea
room for an important announcement - a secret he's kept - but falls over
dead before he can spit it out, the police get involved. This book
deals with that plus Molly's own childhood memories of working with her
Gran in Mr.Grimthorpe's house. Cute story.
The Beach at Summerly
by Beatriz Williams -- Emilia Withrop, one of the locals with a long
family history in the area, is the help to the wealthy summer crowd.
Story of her and her friends Shep and Amory, and also nowadays as she
lives with her sister Susana. This is during the era when the US and
Soviet Union were at odds. Pretty good.
The Fiction Writer
by Jillian Cantor -- Olivia's book sales are struggling so when her
agent approaches her about someone well-known wanting her to write a
book for him, she takes a trip to Los Angeles to meet him.
Riding Rockets
by Mike Mullane -- "the outrageous tales of a space shuttle
astronaut." This book was referenced in one of my favorite books last
year about the first six women who were chosen to be astronauts in the
US. They were in Mike's class, and the author of that book mentioned
this one which I got for Christmas. Pretty interesting.
Wicked Redhead
by Beatriz Williams -- I believe I would have enjoyed this one much
more if I'd read the earlier book about Wicked City instead of starting
with this one. Alas, I had this one on hand with no other library books,
and decided to give it a go. Ginger is a redhead during the time of
Prohibition. She likes two brothers, one more than the other. In more
current times, there is Ella who recently left her cheating husband.
Meh... this one was OK.
The Outcast Girls
by Shirley Dickson -- I remember reading a book or two by this author
and adding a few of her other stories to my Amazon Wishlist. This is one
I got for Christmas, and it's about Frieda, a German Jew who was
brought to England during World War II. She meets an English girl,
Sandra, who has lived a life of service. The two of them wind up on a
farm helping the war effort. Pretty good.
The Lost Children
by Shirley Dickson -- Twins Jacob and Molly are eight years old when
their mom decides to send them to the countryside where they will be
safe from Hitler's bombs. They are sent to the area I read about in the
book before, and this book has some of the same characters so I'm glad
to read these stories back-to-back. Another pretty good tale.
The Orphan's Secret by
Shirley Dickson -- Lily leaves home to become a Lumberjill during World
War II. Her husband is serving in the war, and Lily wants to do her
part. She meets Ethel, who grew up an orphan, and the two eventually
become friends. When both of them realize they are expecting babies at
the same time, and Ethel has nowhere to live, Lily invites Ethel to live
with her until something can be decided. Pretty good story.
Five Bad Deeds
by Caz Frear -- I'm back to reading library books. This one is about
sisters Ellen and Kristy, and mostly Ellen's hectic household and group
of friends/acquaintances.
Black Out
by Lisa Unger -- Annie keeps having flashbacks to when she was a
teenager who moved with her mother from New York City to Florida so her
mom could pursue a relationship with a man behind bars. Although this
stuff is in her past, it keeps rearing its head and life is quite
Random in Death
by J.D. Robb -- If I'm so inclined I see that I have about sixty other
"futuristic thrillers" available to read in this In Death series
featuring Lt. Eve Dallas and her fellow officers. In this book a couple
of teenaged girls are jabbed with a needle full of a blend made to kill
them within minutes. Lt. Dallas is in charge of identifying the suspect.
Decent book, but I would know more about these characters if I'd read
the other sixty books, no doubt. But, whew! I did not like the teenage
lingo throughout the book.
The Therapist
by B.A. Paris -- When Leo suggests he and Alice move in together, he
finds a house in London behind a gate where Alice believes she will be
able to make quick friends. When she learns from a private investigator
that something terrible happened at the house where she now lives, she
decides to ask the neighbors in order to learn more about the therapist
who lived at house #6 in The Circle.
One Wrong Word
by Hank Phillippi Ryan -- When your reputation is in ruins, Arden Ward
is who you want working for you. Only, now she's been falsely accused
and given the sack yet her boss wants her to do one last job for him.
Cordelia hires Arden to clean up the image of her husband who was
acquitted of running over someone yet the moms at school still give
Cordelia the cold shoulder. Pretty good story.
The Disappearing Act
by Catherine Steadman -- A British actor comes to Los Angeles to
audition for several roles. At one casting, she meets Emily who gives
her her wallet and keys to top off the car meter, then disappears. While
juggling reading scripts and auditioning, Mia wonders what happened to
Emily and decides to search for her. Pretty good.
The Eden Test
by Adam Sternbergh -- It's their third anniversary, and Craig is ready
to leave his wife after a quick meal. He's got plans with another woman,
yet Daisy surprises him by not being at home and instead giving him
instructions to meet her at a cabin in upstate New York. He does, and
instead of a quick meal and goodbye, Daisy tells him she's booked the
place for a week and it's some kind of couples retreat... so weird.
The Bones of the Story
by Carol Goodman -- Nell is a dean of the college she attended, and
she's busy preparing for a big event complete with most of her friends
from back then. When a snowstorm traps most of her peers together,
strange things happen including a murder or two. An OK book.
Keep Your Friends Close
by Leah Konen -- While going through a separation from her husband,
Mary is looking for housing, a preschool for her son Alex, and a job in a
new area. One day she happens upon Willa, a friend she'd made who
ghosted her. Only when she confronts Willa, she acts like Mary is a
stranger. What is going on? Pretty good.
The Woman from Lydia
by Angela Hunt -- Book one in The Emissaries this told the story of
Euodia, a supporter of Paul's ministry as he told the good news of Jesus
Christ. In this book she and a couple servants travel to various cities
along the Via Egnatia in search of a girl, Sabina. I rather like this
quote at the front of the book:
"If a man
gets lost in the mountains, hundreds will search and often two or three
searchers are killed. But the next time somebody gets lost just as many
volunteers turn out. Poor arithmetic, but very human. It runs through
all our folklore, all human religions, all our literature - a racial
conviction that when one human needs rescue, others should not count the
price." -- Robert A. Heinlein
A new Nita Prose book! Thanks for the tip!