
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday, Michael!

I'm thankful to God for this precious little guy who brought so much joy into our lives on February 25, 2002! How can you resist this sweetness?


  1. Aw, he's adorable. I hope he has a good birthday.

  2. I don't know why but the first time I saw Michael's photo I just fell in love with him! He is so sweet-looking and just adorable.

    Happy Birthday to one of my favourite boys! And may you have many, many more.

  3. Happy Birthday Michael :)
    he's so adorable and cute.

  4. Aww...How gorgeous!!!! I hope he had a happy birthday. Time just goes by too fast doesn't it? He is absolutely adorable and has the most beautiful eyes and smile!

    I hope you're doing well. I intend to come by here today to catch up with my reading. I think I am behind by four blogs?! I can't believe how much I've missed!

  5. Sanil, thank you! :)

    Suroor, awwwwww. <3 Thanks much for your kind words! :)

    Wafa', I appreciate your well wishes! He had a great day!

    Shell,thanks! Well, you didn't miss so much. I was just posting the last of some notes on a book I'd finished recently.

    Thank you all for your sweet comments!

  6. He has the best aunt ever!

    What an adorable kid he was and still is.

  7. Thanks so much for your sweet words, Carmen. :)

  8. He is too cute :) I hope all his birthdays are happy and all his days are filled with joy.
