
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

JTMEE Notes 2 of 2

Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey --These are things that didn't make it to individual posts, but short notes from various chapters that I wanted to record nonetheless. I compiled these in a Gmail draft as I read through this book. This is part 2 of 2.

"The Parable of the Unjust Steward" -- "There is all the difference in the world between 'I applaud the dishonest steward because he acted cleverly,' and 'I applaud the clever steward because he acted dishonestly.'" -- T.W. Manson pg. 341

Did ya catch the difference there? :)

"The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man" -- I enjoyed pages 385-6 which talked about the dogs who licked Lazarus' sores and how even a generally disliked animal in ME culture was more sympathetic to Lazarus' plight. Also the author included an interesting tidbit about dog saliva having antibiotic properties!

Page 387 describes what "reclining in 'Abraham's bosom'" meant in this story. It refers to sitting at the right hand - the place of honor - in the triclinium (the U-shaped couch where the people reclined to eat).

Pages 389-90 describe two kinds of patience one of which has to do with "'putting one's anger far away.' This is the patience of the powerful who are able to wreck vengeance on their enemies but choose to be patient and refrain from doing so." The author says the Greek and Arabic (halim) have an exact word for this which American English does not.

This chapter inspired a post about loving money and learning from experiences. (click here)

"The Parable of the Pounds" -- I enjoyed the discussion of the Greek word diepragmateusanto and how this words primary and secondary meanings play into the parable depending on your point of view (e.g. capitalistic view vs. loyalty). Is success dependent on how much was acquired or accomplished or by faithfulness and loyalty to the Master? (pg. 402)

I liked this so much I almost did a separate post about it.

"The Parable of the Noble Vineyard Owner and His Son" -- "What is to be done with the anger generated by injustice? Will he allow his enemies to dictate the nature of his response? He is in a position of power. Retaliation is possible and expected. But is further violence the only answer?" (pg. 417) Will the vineyard owner choose costly grace?

Thus concludes all posts from this book. At least I think so. ;)

Tomorrow, Lord willing, I will start posting thoughts from the Gospel of Matthew. Now off to watch the Olympics some more.

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