
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Mishmash, part 2

Peppa and George on the card for Pillow Thomas

17 -- took Zach to Burlington City Park and ALDI; Zach decided it was Pillow Thomas' seventh birthday so he was making a card to give him; mowed yard for the first time (got up leaves with bagger)

Lovely day for the park!

Love this boy!

18 -- met next-door neighbor Mary (she didn't know we had moved in nearly six months prior); to children's museum; read on deck

He named the chick, Bocky, because chicks go "bock, bock."

"The human brain..."

19 -- Mama's birthday; went to Southpoint Mall in Durham

Zach loves these sinks

So proud of the red balloon they gave him at Nordstrom

Happy birthday, Grandma!

20 -- lots of schooling with Zach

Zach gave himself a tattoo and decorated his art box

21 -- Steve Austin helped put up new screen door; Sophie visited at parents' house; I read at the park; NC State (an 8 seed) beat number-one seed (in one of the regions) Villanova to advance to Sweet Sixteen (big, big deal to Andrew); he watched the game at Kevin's house

Little Sophie

23 -- watched Sophie some; Peases in town on their way to the beach

Enjoying the sunshine

24 -- to children's museum, Bethany Church park with Zach; my sunglasses broke (!!!)

The kid loves crosses

Puppet show

Bethany Church Park

Statue of Liberty

25 -- push mowed our yard

26 -- Zach and Sophie to the mountains to visit their mom's family; Zach drew a picture for Flying Dove Studios to display at the mall; bought new sunglasses at TJ Maxx (sigh)

27 -- to YoZone, mall, Walmart with Andrew and Michael

28 -- to Oak Island and Southport with my mom; Andrew and his dad hung decorative thing in the kitchen while I was gone

29 -- home from beach trip; visited Peases

30 -- Peases left for home in West Virginia; they gave me a bobble-head sunflower for my yard; six months in our new house; Zach and I spent over four hours at Beth Schmidt Park; Zach and Sophie home from the mountains

Six months since closing

31 -- to the park with Zach, Sophie, and their parents; lovely day!; surprise visit by Randy and Teresa Eddins who wanted to know if we wanted to go get frozen yogurt with them.  They saw our house and then we got froyo at almost 9 PM!

"Look, Daddy, no hands!"

Super-cool Sophie

These things taste pretty good

A great day to play

Attacked by Sophie Bear!

We were holding hands, swinging (thus the bit of blurriness)

March Books

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March Mishmash, part 1

1-- freezing rain; home all day

2 -- 60° so Tanger with Zach; entered taxes into H&R Block software at my parents' house

Still had a little icy slush left from our recent snow

Zach told my mom that he made a "different-language friend"

3 -- Children's Museum with Zach; cool again

4 -- watched Sophie some; took Zach to Tanger


6 -- Bristle Block creations

Aren't they great?

7 -- Zach left for the mountains

Sophie and Poppy

8 -- hiked at Hanging Rock State Park; visited Rockford Village briefly in Surry County

View from the top

Felt great in the sun

9 -- made butterscotch cookies

11 -- to Myrtle Beach with Andrew and Michael

12 -- Myrtle Beach

13 -- walked on beach; departed for home

14 -- Miss Shawver died from cancer (just detected a few days prior); received tax letter about property taxes the former owner needed to pay

15 -- party with the family plus the Cruzans

16 -- tax situation resolved (William paid it; he thought escrow had already); to a Mebane park with Zach where he built a stick forest on the sandy volleyball court, and he came home and decorated his tricycle with flowers

Zach's stick forest

finding flowers

"I'm getting it ready for spring!"

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Family Gathering

We celebrated the February and March birthdays* on Sunday, March 15.  Since Zach was coming back from the mountains that day, we invited his maternal grandparents to join us.  My parents' church allow us to use their fellowship building so we'd have a little more room to spread out.

Sophie waiting for everyone else to arrive

A picture with her daddy

enjoying the food

Sophie and her Nana, Megan's mom

It was a lovely day so after we ate, we went outside and watched Will fly the drone he made.  Then we just stood around and talked.

Zach wanted to get that drone!

Playing ball with Daddy

Talking about trucks or guns or something

Zach was too busy to join his family for a picture

Later we went inside to clean up!
He had fun sweeping

Cleaning is fun!

Or, in Sophie's case, we had some more banana pudding.  :)

February - Stephanie (10th), Will (23rd), Michael (25th), David (28th)
March - Mama (19th)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Last week we had the opportunity to take Michael, my now thirteen-year-old (wow!) nephew, to the beach. He has been going with us most years since he was four and a half.  I'm glad we were able to keep the tradition alive!

We left on a Wednesday - weird for us - and came home on Friday, March 13th.  We had a great time.  Here are a few pictures to remind me of our time there.

A view from our room

The water was quite a bit colder than the air so there was some fog

along the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk

Guys playing on the beach; drainage project in the background

I took a little time to sit on the beach

Great guys!

I love how Michael looks just like a chocolate chunk in that ice cream

Michael and Andrew

Sunrise the morning we left

view from our room